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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I get it. But to go from 93 to quickly 98 and back to 93/94 again you’ve got some wild 1 minute swings. I’ll try to remember a week into July to check the June raw readings. There has to be 100+ in there.
  2. BOS probably had a raw 1 min ob of 100-101 to pull that off. Idk…looks a little sus, but will be official.
  3. That’s a hell of a jump considering every ob is a running 5 minute average too.
  4. They probably paved or dumped black mulch around the ASOS at the end of winter to cut down on lawn maintenance. It seems worse during the day.
  5. Can we get a tech from BOX out there before they have ZR at 38° this winter?
  6. MHT, DAW, IZG all at least 98° today. BDL GW again.
  7. Trying not to jinx it. F the bamboo though…the pawpaws need it.
  8. Congrats on 98° a bit ago
  9. Well that one hurts. Need the rain.
  10. The poorly modeled dews seem to be keeping temps in check a bit.
  11. Pea soup North of the MA border
  12. Shrooms? I make some concessions on the image quality.
  13. Honestly thought we’d be higher by now, but it’s pretty dewy out there. All of C NH is basically 75+ dews.
  14. Yeah when 850s are uniform across the region MHT is often #1 or at least top 3
  15. It’s still a DS off the Monads/ORH hills though
  16. Trolland getting crushed
  17. I don’t doubt 1-2° too warm…but I’m not sure how new that is? I know we talked about this last year as well.
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