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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like Lourdes left? Koermer retired after I left. When I graduated it was Hoffman, Koermer, Aviles, Miller, and Hoch in lab. I briefly had Zabransky as well. I saw Eric at a store a few years ago and told him I’d stop in some time, but life gets in the way.
  2. Tell the met dept I said hi and that I miss them.
  3. Yeah it’s a high end snow squall line for much of NH too. Going from 40s to below freezing in 10 mins with a quick 1-3” of snow is a problem any year…especially with no salt on the roads.
  4. Already 31°. I93 must be a mess
  5. Lots of TSSN around Mitch and the Berks right now
  6. All a dream starting tonight. But that was still a nice 20 day run of April in March.
  7. Yeah it comin. I’m cool with it. At least it’ll melt relatively quickly.
  8. That’s not what I said. I said the anomalies would balance out this cold shot. It always looked a little tainted at the sfc with some E flow but mins would be torched.
  9. BDL normal is 48. They probably pulled a 47. Normal low is 29. Actual was 33. Looking like a +1 or +2 right now. And BTV normal for the day is 42/25.
  10. I’d risk a plane landing on my roof on I75 to be in Naples right now
  11. It’s been warm but the next week does look like shat. Just enough snow and cold up here to be miserable.
  12. Legit cold the end of this week. Fortunately it’s fleeting…just like the weather betting guy’s PM access.
  13. The 70” of snow Steve’s charts keep promising?
  14. This worked out really well!
  15. 38° here…way too early for that nonsense. My pawpaws start waking at 55-60°. I don’t need that.
  16. End of the month warmup will probably wash these negative anomalies right out.
  17. Sun is blazing. Should be a decent midday.
  18. Steve what location is that?
  19. I guess…just going by that regional wide map posted. The point is we got the first half of April during the first half of March.
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