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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Mine wait for me every morning to put the feeders back out. They love the berry blend mix. Beautiful bird although the female is kind of a drab brown. Not her fault though.
  2. I doubt it at his current location. Maybe Mitch’s new spot though?
  3. Maybe even a summer without it hitting 80°?
  4. This will be the first time ever that the warmest temperature for JFMA at BOS occurred in January.
  5. 62F in 1893 will prevent CON from tying their next coolest of 66F from 1924 and 1937. 1st time they haven't had April 70s since 1995.
  6. Yeah we talked a few times when I was starting out. Seems like roos are more likely to have sudden heart attacks. Makes me wonder if it’s from the layer feed. I assume excess calcium gets deposited into the arteries and calcifies. I probably should’ve used a grower or starter feed high in protein and lower in Ca and just let the hens supplement with oyster shell as needed. He was from a breeder and was a month from being 3 y/o so I suspected he would be fine for awhile. We often joked that he’d be the last one standing.
  7. Yeah. We just don’t display it. We don’t have a lot trying to get in...yet. The coop is elevated off the ground 2 1/2ft and we have hawk netting over the run and coop down to the ground. Anything trying to get in risks getting tangled.
  8. More downs than ups cranky. lol
  9. He showed no signs of anything. I think he just had a heart attack or he got something down his windpipe. He was in o ne of the many holes he loves to dig. He would nestle himself in there and chirp to call one of his girls over. Maybe he swallowed some dirt down the trachea and got a little too excited. No idea. Just sucks. We never wanted a roo, but he certainly grew on us. He didn’t crow much, was a gentleman to his ladies (minus the Weinstein mounting), and was a good watch dog. He was great with me and Lisa too. The flock must go on though although the dynamic will greatly change.
  10. New record low max for CON for the day...40F. Old record was a very vulnerable 43F from 1933. Most of the records around this date are U30s.
  11. RIP Little Boy. The flock will never be the same. Went out to the run tonight and found him dead. I had just heard him crowing an hour before and he seemed totally healthy. No idea what happened. Shocked is an understatement.
  12. What’s the latest trace and measurable for the COOP most representative of your location? What did your area get in the may 1945 storm? I know Peru, VT pulled off 20” and CON was around 5”.
  13. Congrats Miller St. Park https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=AN386&time=GMT
  14. Yeah I think we mixed around 2am as well. It dropped to 33.7F here. But yeah Chris, we basically need everything to go right this time of year. It all started falling apart once I said we had wiggle room here. lol
  15. NAM lookin a little snowier for interior NH. We’ll see.
  16. Dry air aloft. It’ll probably transition to rain.
  17. Even the weeniest high elevation meso sites in NH are in the 39/35 ballpark right now. Lost River at 1800’ is 39/35 and -RA. So there’s some work to do, but that was expected.
  18. 51/23 but you can feel an extra chill in the breeze with every wave of passing virga.
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