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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I think the pro met setting looks the same? 400mb?
  2. Not that I'm aware of. Did more open up for you?
  3. Liver and onions with a hot water and lemon on the side.
  4. Our Market Basket is usually mobbed during the day...especially weekends with the out of staters. So we usually try to go the last hour they’re open. It sucks they close at 8pm instead of 9pm now since Covid.
  5. They all do it up here. First hour is for seniors only.
  6. I have a honeycrisp apple I’ve been waiting to plant all year, but I may just wait until spring. The soil is moist right now after the last 2 systems, but if we go dry for another 2 weeks we could be back to struggling.
  7. 47.8° and overcast. Looks like we’re in a cloudy screw zone.
  8. Min 39°. Looks like NHDOT through in an RWIS on rt 9 in Roxbury.
  9. Max 53.7° 0.25" Down to 47.6° now...had to put the furnace back on. I noticed the grass really starting to green up this evening.
  10. Looks like 0.25” may do it. Up to 52.9°.
  11. A weenie of D4 riding right around Tolland CT USA.
  12. 49.8° -RADZ with heavier showers occasionally passing through. Cold and raw.
  13. I thought I had more gifs saved on here, but they must be on my old crashed comp...oh well. Eric always had the best ones.
  14. I think I've mowed once since then.
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