Tried that. They’re terrified of it. We just water it down from time to time and they dig holes and lay in them to cool off. I doubled my covered portion of my run last fall and the bamboo has gone wild so there’s a lot more shade in there than previous years. Even that one 90+ day we had there wasn’t a lot of panting. 2018 was a stressful stretch...especially with the heat and dew combo around the 4th.
Almost totally clear now. 83.2/66
Mine handle below 0° better than 90°. When they start panting out of control there isn’t a lot we can do unless we bring the worst ones into the basement.
I'll be cheering on the most boring month ever with comfortable temps and dews so everyone can keep their windows open, the air refreshed, and COVID numbers hopefully down.
Relative screw job all around me, but we hold the moisture well here so it’s not like we’re overly dry. I have the lowest total for the month including Belknap and Merrimack.
Probably. It seems like once the sea ice volume and permafrost really started shitting the bed we have struggled getting cP airmasses down here in the heart of summer. Maybe it’s just a fluke, but we used to pull 30s and deep 40s in July and now it’s a struggle to even get into the 50s.