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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Made it to 32.4° here. Snow is mostly gone where the sun hit it for more than 10 minutes. The sun felt nice, but that wind was ripping at times. Nice day to slow down the tree progress.
  2. GYX RAOBs had -4C last night and -13C this morning. Not even close to records.
  3. A foot here would put me within range of getting near average if we have a decent April
  4. Warm. 22° and splitting flakes here with widespread BLSN.
  5. Yup. Sfc front modeled right where they usually end up. Looks like a shitshow Saturday here.
  6. Let’s get this more south. I’d rather clear 15” all snow rather than 8” with R/ZR on top.
  7. GFS is like 5” here and then a period of ZR midday Sat. It probably won’t equate to much glazing given the time of day and year. What’s 2m look like on Sat? Goofus has a period of ZR here after 5”.
  8. Nothing showing on radar but it’s doing this The cheesewagons have been going by so I assume they had a delay. IMG_6687.mov
  9. Got down to 19.0° here. Feels like deep winter even though we’re not too far below climo. lol Here’s vis from a few mins ago. Looks like it traces back to Hartford/Bethel VT and toward Middlebury Snowbowl
  10. Getting another lighter “burst” with large dendritic growth even though radar is fairly putrid. Maybe there’s some geographically favorable wind trajectory to squeeze them through here.
  11. 3.4” wtf 2.3” of that is from the streamer this morning.
  12. Euro with like 2.5” QPF. Hopefully the goofus is right with half that.
  13. Pounding snow under a streamer right now. 21.6°
  14. 2012 just fighting its way back out of the ground and through the pack
  15. Hopefully my fog and drizzle is even darker than usual.
  16. Ended up with a little over 1” here but spots that receive insolation have already melted quite a bit.
  17. I liked James. Zabransky too. Old school guys that made you memorize derivations and equations.
  18. lol I told him weeks ago I expect more winter events up here. Even in shat years it can snow into April or May.
  19. Looks like Lourdes left? Koermer retired after I left. When I graduated it was Hoffman, Koermer, Aviles, Miller, and Hoch in lab. I briefly had Zabransky as well. I saw Eric at a store a few years ago and told him I’d stop in some time, but life gets in the way.
  20. Tell the met dept I said hi and that I miss them.
  21. Yeah it’s a high end snow squall line for much of NH too. Going from 40s to below freezing in 10 mins with a quick 1-3” of snow is a problem any year…especially with no salt on the roads.
  22. Already 31°. I93 must be a mess
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