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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Love me some observing differences... ...Rockingham County... Northwood 2.9 WSW 2.1 in 0700 AM 05/09 COCORAHS Northwood 1.9 WSW 0.3 in 0700 AM 05/09 COCORAHS
  2. I still don't understand the snow = fert concept. My lawn was pretty green yesterday. Even the majority of the rain that falls this time of year starts in the clouds as snow. If it's a nitrogen thing, it shouldn't matter if the condensation nuclei reach the ground as snow or as rain.
  3. I mean ORH tied or broke their record low during mid morning with snow.
  4. Jesus christ...+SN BLSN and howling wind. Down to the current low of 29.9F W T F It's like deep winter
  5. Yeah there was an inch or less at the bottom of the hill. But there was a coating to a 1/2" from Tilton al lthe way down to about Penacook. CON had a coating at the height of it, but when I left there a little after 8a it was gone. 30.7F and +SN now at 10am on 5/9. Pretty insane for here.
  6. Finished with a little over 2”. Pretty much a consistent 2” in the area but a big dropoff toward CON.
  7. I actually didn’t understand his post. I wasn’t being a dick.
  8. Nothing worse than someone doubling and tripling down when they’re wrong
  9. 31.4° +SN Actually getting some drifting in the higher gusts. lol
  10. 31.7° and growth/intensity picking up. Pretty breezy too.
  11. Pretty cool to see flakes in NYC this late into May. Run of the mill cold.
  12. BGM down to 28° with -SN. lol
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