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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. MSP has had accumulating snow in late September and early October before...as recently as 2.5” in 10/12/2009. This will be the most for so early though. 1.7” on 9/26 is lol though.
  2. October 4 in Albany is more impressive than October 20 in Minneapolis. https://www.weather.gov/media/aly/Past_Events/1987/Frank.pdf
  3. If it was 30° and 1/4SM +SN on August 31st it would start sticking then too. MWN has had accums in July. Technically the solar radiation is higher up there than at lower els since there’s 6000ft less of atmosphere to scatter it.
  4. I burn with a UV index of 2 and I can’t even muster a hint of red this time of year. The twin cities got nearly 30” in Halloween of 1991. How quickly they forget. Although he was probably watching Saturday morning cartoons back then.
  5. lol We need to cement our October normal snowfall up here after 2011. In 20 years your son will be wondering how C NH averages 3” of snow for October.
  6. Numerous showers so far this morning up here. 47.8°
  7. The cordillera cryosphere is burgeoning.
  8. dumpin KDSM 191654Z 06006KT 1/2SM SN FZFG BKN003 OVC020 M01/M02 A3030 RMK AO2 SLP270 SNINCR 1/1 P0006 T10111022
  9. The Yankees faded away with our -NAO winters.
  10. I remember the last time the Yankees won the WS. It's amazing how fast time flies by.
  11. Hopefully no Aaron Boone SE Ridge this year.
  12. It’s a Feb sun angle with most vegetation going dormant. I don’t understand the concern.
  13. 27.8° min with intermittent waves of freezing fog.
  14. The ground is soggy. Looking forward to a little dry stretch.
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