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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Nothing says exciting like a dewpoint of 72° in August.
  2. Yore https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/request/asos.py?station=SLK&data=metar&year1=2001&month1=7&day1=26&year2=2001&month2=7&day2=29&tz=Etc%2FUTC&format=onlycomma&latlon=no&missing=M&trace=T&direct=no&report_type=2 https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/request/asos.py?station=HIE&data=metar&year1=2001&month1=7&day1=26&year2=2001&month2=7&day2=29&tz=Etc%2FUTC&format=onlycomma&latlon=no&missing=M&trace=T&direct=no&report_type=2
  3. 798hr CFS looks good...just gotta extrapolate it out.
  4. Here’s the coldest daily mins for the 5 warm season months at BML since the ASOS took over in 96. These numbers look nothing like this July.
  5. Freakish although it seems like the polar airmasses are harder and harder to come by in the heart of summer.
  6. Avg low is upper 50s here and I can barely get a low below 60 this month. Berlin COOP averages about 78/55 right now...the ASOS is 78/50 since they radiate so well.
  7. heh...all kidding aside congrats John. That's quite a feat.
  8. https://www.scaledinstruments.com/shop/davis-instruments/add-on-special-purpose-stations/davis-6838-24-hour-fan-aspirated-radiation-shield-without-temperature-humidity-sensor/
  9. I’ll have to go single some of mine out and get pics. I need a 2020 pic of the chestnut out there too. This is all I have on my ipad. There’s a few pines out there with diameters like this. Some of the hemlocks are near the heights of the biggies. I thought most of the trees out there were white pine until I put my glasses on and actually got a good look at the foliage near the top.
  10. Sorry...I meant to put the 100’ label on the pines and not the hemlock. I think there’s only 1 NH hemlock measured at over 100’. I’m probably overestimating my white pines too, but there are some very large ones out there and the hemlock have to compete with them.
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