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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. BML 93F...insane for them.
  2. 87/64...gunning for 90.0
  3. Looks like you brought DC/BWI with you.
  4. I think the website is the Davis. The METARs are official. So we'll see.
  5. I think 72F is the all-time record high.
  6. We do dews better too. CONNECTICUT OBSERVATIONS for Wed May 27 at 12:00 PM EDT T TD RH WIND GUST ALSTG SLP VIS CLOUDS WX PR6 PR24 SC Station F F % deg kts kts in Hg mb mi 100ftCOV in in in ID BRIDGEPORT/SIKO 67 60 79 210 at 5 30.25 1024.5 10 5 OVC ...KBDR CHESTER ARPT 73 63 69 190 at 7 30.25 10 CLR ...KSNC DANBURY MUNICIP 73 62 69 0 at 6 30.24 1023.8 10 22 SCT ...KDXR GROTON/NEW LOND 63 58 83 180 at 7 30.25 1024.4 10 CLR ...KGON HARTFORD/BRADLE 76 63 64 160 at 11 30.21 1022.9 10 25 FEW ...KBDL HARTFORD/BRAINA 76 63 64 0 at 5 30.22 1023.3 10 CLR ...KHFD MERIDEN-MERIDEN 73 61 66 170 at 9 30.23 1023.7 10 CLR ...KMMK NEW HAVEN/TWEED 66 63 90 230 at 8 30.25 1024.3 8 6 BKN ...KHVN OXFORD (AWOS) 71 64 78 210 at 5 30.26 1025.4 10 16 BKN ...KOXC WILLIMANTIC (AS 77 62 60 170 at 6 30.23 1023.3 10 31 FEW ...KIJD NEW HAMPSHIRE OBSERVATIONS for Wed May 27 at 12:00 PM EDT T TD RH WIND GUST ALSTG SLP VIS CLOUDS WX PR6 PR24 SC Station F F % deg kts kts in Hg mb mi 100ftCOV in in in ID BERLIN MUNICIPA 91 61 37 0 at 3 30.15 1020.3 10 CLR ...KBML CONCORD MUNICIP 86 62 45 190 at 8 30.16 1021.3 10 CLR ...KCON JAFFREY MUNICIP 82 61 49 270 at 7 30.21 1022.9 10 CLR ...KAFN KEENE/DILLANT(A 82 66 58 220 at 5 30.18 1022.2 10 CLR ...KEEN LACONIA MUNI (A 85 66 53 240 at 9 30.16 1021.1 10 CLR ...KLCI LEBANON MUNICIP 89 64 43 190 at 8 30.14 1019.3 10 CLR ...KLEB MANCHESTER AIRP 87 62 43 200 at 7 30.16 1022.0 10 55 FEW ...KMHT MOUNT WASHINGTO 64 54 68 250 at 8 30.00 30 5 SCT ...KMWN NASHUA/BOIRE FI 85 65 51 0 at 3 30.18 1022.2 10 CLR ...KASH PEASE AFB/PORTS 84 65 52 180 at 8 30.15 1021.2 10 CLR ...KPSM PLYMOUTH MUNI 86 65 50 160 at 5 30.14 10 CLR ...K1P1 ROCHESTER 86 63 46 160 at 5 30.16 1021.1 10 CLR ...KDAW WHITEFIELD (ASO 87 63 45 0 at 6 30.14 1020.2 10 CLR ...KHIE
  7. No rain since 5/15 here and they were eating holes through me last night.
  8. Hottest day of the warm season today for NNE?
  9. 59° Had to turn the window fans off.
  10. NNE going over the top on SNE
  11. I feel for those who don't tolerate the heat and humidity well and require an AC to sleep at night. Those people should probably get out in it more to get accustomed to it.
  12. 62F at MWN and 91F at BML. Under normal circumstances that's usually good for 98F at BDL.
  13. Correct. BML and LEB put up 33C so it's at least 91F there. Warmest I see so far is the FSO AWOS with 92F.
  14. Hope you're enjoying the torch and not hiding inside in 60F AC staring d6 progs.
  15. 5min obs MVL hit 32C so 89/90 there
  16. That 91F at BML ties their warmest May temperature since METAR/ASOS took over in 1996.
  17. Yeah I figured. Yuma was a joke.
  18. Looks fairly arid around there. A lot of dirt in the vicinity of the ASOS.
  19. Where do you think KNYC is?
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