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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 68° and ovc...maybe a binovc. High is 70° so far. We’re just barely in the screwzone while EEN is sunny.
  2. Imagine waking up in the morning to read about the Flint tornado in the Worcester Telegram and thinking to yourself "glad we don't live there".
  3. 66/51 OVC Closer to using heat than AC.
  4. 50s with rain showers this morning
  5. Lots of sun today up here despite low/mid 60s. Back down into the 40s the next two nights.
  6. 63/49 BKN This would be nice in July after a heat wave.
  7. Front just came roaring through and damn did it cool off quickly. 62/56 with 25mph gusts.
  8. I was sure we were going to get missed today but glad we didn't. New landscaping and mulch took a hot and washed some mulch down the hill. Will have to buy a few bags to touch up, but it was worth the 0.81" we got. Disappointed to see tomorrow went from sun to mostly cloudy with afternoon showers Now that you gave up on the full lawn you’ll get hit with every isolated shower to wipe out your mulch. lol
  9. Getting a couple more moderate showers. I’ll take every hundredth I can get.
  10. Actually Mike...just use this. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/raws_ca_monitor.cgi?rawsflag=3&state=MA&type=&orderby=e&day1=6&month1=6&year1=2020&hour1=19&refrsh=0&timeobs=3&stnorder=0
  11. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/download_api2.cgi?
  12. Similar deal here. 0.16” but still raining lightly with an occasional rumble. It felt like an inch watching it fall though.
  13. Just got warned for this cell.
  14. Let’s see how we can screw this one up.
  15. Yeah idk...never seen that one before. Maybe try clearing all Amex cookies and cache may help.
  16. Pretty good screw job coming here
  17. BDL even getting owned by BML...like UMBC over UVA.
  18. BDL will surpass VT before the day is done.
  19. Pretty warm out there. 80/65 with mostly sunny skies.
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