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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. They would laugh west of our region at what we call a “drought”. We just get the rare 3-5 week stretch with little rainfall causing lawns to go brown. Go out into the woods and the soil under the leaf litter is usually still moist and fertile. Trust me, I like a thick, green lawn myself...but it’s not a natural landscape. Anything that requires you to pump nitrogen into it, water it regularly, and spray it down with pesticides and weed killers is not natural.
  2. Anyoneknow what this is growing under my apple tree? The leaves have me stumped.
  3. I've been on here like 10 minutes today. lawl I'm an expert with the search function. 20 seconds and I can see all of your contradictory posts over a certain topic over a 10 year span.
  4. I'm sure it's lush and green. Drought is just the fake news agenda for warm season 2020. Pick a weenie weather theme out of a hat in April and just run with it all season.
  5. Ugh. Missed everything this afternoon.
  6. Sun's out. Guns out. Should be pretty nasty for the next couple hours.
  7. Even Mansfield is crushing you.
  8. Yup...pooling in ahead of the front. They should make it up here soon too.
  9. Flattening the drought curve today
  10. More good news for the Lyme weenies. https://theconversation.com/a-lyme-disease-vaccine-doesnt-exist-but-a-yearly-antibody-shot-shows-promise-at-preventing-infection-138230
  11. 0.10” this morning with a couple downpours amidst the steady drizzle. We’ll take it. 56°
  12. Definitely a boundary in there.
  13. Nope. The temp lines on a skew-t slope up and to the right. So the dew there is decreasing with height until you start getting up around 450mb.
  14. That was quite a torch day for S NH. Our own little zone of WNW flow with sun and strong mixing into those torched 850s. MHT 101, CON 98, LEB 97. We beat SNE in that one too.
  15. I said I was eyeing it. If it ends up trending toward a ratter we plant. If not, we wait.
  16. Euro is warmer here this weekend than Tolland.
  17. Euro is 80s in S NH Saturday. GFS is rainy and meh.
  18. I'm eyeing that day. I've been waiting for a cool, damp, ratter to plant some fruit trees.
  19. I'll actually agree that I think it was hot down there today. BDL was +10F for the max. Anytime your max is closer to the record (96F) than the normal (78F) it's a warm day.
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