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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. BDL did it. You didn’t do anything at HFD yet. lol
  2. Kill those bradford pears with fire. Those are very invasive...as bad as norway maples.
  3. Damn...BDL did it. Congrats DIT and tarmac workers.
  4. BDL 87F. lol if they mess it up today.
  5. FIT 86 and CON 57. Upper back broken?
  6. BDL up to 32C. Looking like they'll do it within the next hour.
  7. Posted this in the lawn thread, but you could wait and see if one of these get approved by the USDA too. https://vimeopro.com/lss/2020-templeton-telly-awards-1
  8. I've read the hybrid ones have more invasive roots. https://www.gurneys.com/product/tree-katsura I mean pick any tree and it's going to have negatives. They all drop seed and leaves.
  9. They went NW and mixed out a bit...temp went up to 87 and dew down to 58. But bouncing around 85-86 now. I wonder if the 850 temps already hit peak and are slowly dropping.
  10. Got this email from Dr. Powell, but here's the Tweet. For anyone hoping to get the transgenic American chestnut back into the wild click on some of the links and leave a comment. Hopefully the US govt will give it the green light.
  11. It may grow more full and less upward if it's all by itself out front in his yard as well. I believe his neighborhood is pretty much tree free.
  12. They can be a little sappy and drop some branches at maturity, but I think it’ll be awhile before he has to worry about that. They’re less messy than catalpa although I’m growing both from seed right now.
  13. I’m not looking forward to winter either, but I’d at least like my windows open during the day. Closed up with AC isn’t much better.
  14. He just got a red maple so I figured he wanted something different for variety. How are tulip trees wrt roots? Those are fast growing and showy when they bloom.
  15. I miss antiswampazz Scoot. I’m just over the monotony of rainless heat. Time for a change.
  16. Wood stoves plz. Although I doubt anyone in NNE will have them on this week. Windows will be closed at night though.
  17. It’s broken relative to the summer we had.
  18. Definitely not done with the high heat, but I don’t think it ever looked like we were?
  19. I can send you a crap load of red oak acorns. You really want big oaks dropping acorns and branches that close to your house? Initially they put down a deep tap root and growth can be slow the first few years. Then they start to take off. A mature tree can put out roots well beyond its drip line. Potted trees that normally put down a deep taproot tend to be hard to transplant since they don't get to set that taproot first. I think the tap root trees would be your best bet, preferably from seed, although I'm sure you don't want to wait that long. So any nut type tree basically...oak, black walnut, hardy pecan, shagbark or shellbark hickory, chestnut, etc. You mostly want to stay away from trees that really search out water...like elm, willow, silver maple, etc.
  20. Finally a FFW up for those training cells in CT. BOX has some 7” pixels in there.
  21. It was a nice summer, COVID and all. But weather wise it was boring. It was like running a cold winter by having 25/5 every day.
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