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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. FVE 90F CAR with 91F and some low 60s dews. It's been a pretty bass ackwards spring.
  2. Looks like they got a puff of decent mixing to shoot up. Back to 86° now and calm.
  3. But he brought it to the MidAtl in 09-10 and left us high and dry. That’s when I really feared he had some kind of special power.
  4. Except for aviation dave. He had a gift. For awhile there I thought he was Ullr.
  5. Up to 70° off of 53°. We thankfully run wet here soilwise so there’s still some moisture in the topsoil. We’ll be putting that to the limit the next few days with dry, clear, and near 90°.
  6. Maybe even a cumulus congestus this weekend?
  7. BML is only a few 85F+ days away from reaching their annual averages.
  8. MWN 64/41 with about a 10mph wind all day. Pleasant day. Probably will end up 88° at BML and 87° at HIE. managed 82.2° here.
  9. That's pretty good. I remember an 88/35 at CON once in the mid 90s. I wanna say it was in May.
  10. I liked the 85/35 and 76/29.8 the day before at Estcourt.
  11. BML, CAR, PQI 84F. Warmest ASOS sites currently in New England. Gotta go down to FL to find that warmth.
  12. Another backwards day ASH/MHT 77 CON/1P1/LCI 79 LEB/HIE 81 BML 82
  13. b2b 100F days just north of BGR.
  14. 48° here. We usually pop 40s in July so we’ll probably see that again before Sep.
  15. Trying to hold off on AC up here. The nights don’t look too bad until maybe early next week.
  16. Reminds me of my time in SW FL in the rainy season. Wake up to clear skies, get your nape tan on by 10-11am, then storm by 1-2pm. Rinse, repeat.
  17. Enjoy it while it lasts. I can't remember the last time NNE has consistently outperformed SNE in heat for this long of a stretch this time of year. When it happens it's usually in April or May before leaf out and when SNE is dealing with maritime influence.
  18. It has some convectively cooled temps. Good luck.
  19. NNE... Winter cold...check Winter snow...check Spring snow...check No drought...check Summer warmth...check No people...check No COVID...check
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