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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like the smoke was from burning at the dump and it’s trapped along the hill and valley. Nice rain shower just to our east moving west...hope it makes it this way before completely collapsing. 74/64
  2. 65.7° up here in Torchville. Even looks like a brownish sky on cam. Maybe it’s someone locally burning.
  3. It smells like smoke in here. Anyone have an updated GOES smoke/aerosol product?
  4. IIRC the ASOS reports in degF. However it's all distributed in the hourly METARs, special obs, and 5-min obs in degC. The problem is there is a different between the coded obs sent out in the hourly METARs and the ones for the 5min obs. The hourly METARs have a "T" grouping in the remarks that reports the temperature in tenths of a degC so that the precise conversion to whole degF can be made. Hence, 35.6C (96F) and 36.1C (97F). Basically take any reasonable whole number temp in degF and convert it to degC and round it to the nearest tenth to see what the opssible values are in the remarks section. For example... 93F = 33.9C 94F = 34.4C 95F = 35.0C 96F = 35.6C 97F = 36.1C You won't see 34.1C or 35.1C or 35.7C, etc in the remarks because it doesn't convert to a whole number in degF. As for the 5min obs, all they report is the body of the coded observation and no remarks. So all you're left with is the rounded value. So you could see the :50 5-min ob be 36C (96.8F), the hourly :52 METAR 35.6C (96F), and then the :55 5-min 36C (96.8F), but in actuality they may just all be 96F. That's basically what happened with CAR today. So take 5 1-min raw observations... :01 93F :02 95F :03 94F :04 94F :05 93F The official ob for :05 would be 94F since it's a 5-min running mean. If it was an hourly METAR it would get reported in the remarks as 34.4C which convert to the nice, easy rounded value of 94F. If it was a 5-min ob, only the body gets reported so the temperature gets disseminated as 34C. Websites convert that to degF which would be 93.2F even though the real actual temperature is 94F. What we need is for the NWS/NOAA to just give us the T remarks in all observations to avoid this issue. It's not 1996 anymore...we don't need to worry about bandwidth and writing AFDs in abbreviations anymore.
  5. Similar here. 73/63 now after a high of 87.4°
  6. Only 96° at CAR today. Buzzkill.
  7. Rounding. A 36C ob can either be 96F (35.6C) or 97F (36.1C). But when you convert it directly from 36C you get 96.8F...which isn’t really the precise temperature. And yes, ASOS uses a running 5 minute mean. Multiple obs are averaged for a raw 1 minute value and then those minute values are part of the running 5 min mean. However only measurements in whole degrees F are reported. So there really is no 96.8F observation. It’s just a rounding limitation.
  8. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/raws_ca_monitor.cgi?state=ME&rawsflag=3&timeobs=3&orderby=e&type=0&refrsh=4&stnorder=0
  9. Yeah I noticed that too. Although I'm confident 8/1935 and maybe even 7/1911 would've been hotter. 3 straight 5 min obs of 36C there and a couple b2b 36C obs before that. There's a shot they snuck a 97F in there.
  10. CAR 95/47 for a heat index of only 91. lol
  11. CAR hit 36C. So either a 96 or 97 in there. The all-time record has at least been tied.
  12. BML up to 90F off of 49F. Pretty impressive for post green-up.
  13. 97. Just break the damn record.
  14. Almost as if the weather is trolling a certain someone.
  15. I have so many outside interests now between the birds, yard, and gardening that I almost wish it could be like this all of the time. I was just outside chillin’ by the coop watching the fireflies light up the backyard. June is pretty awesome in New England. I love deep winter, but just wish it wasn’t so long. I’d like 10 months of this and then 2 months of deep freeze.
  16. Down to 73/61 off of 87. Keep the dews a bit down and we’ll radiate quickly in the evening. Window fans will suffice.
  17. This post may drive DIT out of hiding with a violent agreeance.
  18. Wow. 68° at the official equipment on MWN. 4° away from the alltime record.
  19. Home of the world's worst weather.
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