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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 76F SCT at home now. Up to 80F and SKC at CON.
  2. I mean seriously, it must be nice. You precipitate with any wind direction. You're pretty much guaranteed convection. Maybe in 200 years Tippy's Hadley Cell bakes you under a subtropical ridge in the summer, but it's a pretty lush place to be in this lifetime. The only iffy spots I guess are the NEK and DDH, but even they tend to benefit from some convection near the higher terrain.
  3. Is it possible to have a drought in Vermont?
  4. Sun is blazin in CON now. Off to the races
  5. Looks like the stratus is thinning a bit on vis in E NH and NE MA.
  6. Looks like this stratus in eastern sections will be a little stubborn. There's a boundary setup across the middle of New England from NNW-SSE with E/NE flow to the east and SW flow to the west. The 6z 3k NAM keeps S NH in the 70s all day. That convergence zone may be a focus for some convection later on today...maybe DIT up northward to the NH/VT border?
  7. 65.6° min at home Spitting some drizzle in CON.
  8. The final kick in the nads on the day.
  9. Max 88.5°. Another big fail on the rain while everyone around me gets a drink.
  10. 63.5° this morning. Perfect temp for window fan usage.
  11. Looks like another one near you now.
  12. I have a lot of sapsucker damage on my larger fruit trees and willow. The willow has some yellowing leaves and the crabapple is suffering crown dieback. Any tips on how to deter them with responsible methods? Does the cd hanging from a branch trick really work? I’ve never noticed them on the suet (just the cother common peckers), but should I take the suet down? I know Gene has some kind of product on one of his trees that seals the wounds of the tree. It didn’t appear to be sticky either like the products I see listed on Amazon. I really don’t want to put something on the trees that will stick to their feet. There’s so much of the trees affected that wrapping them in hardware cloth or burlap isnkt feasible either. Any recommendations?
  13. I would think never fertilize a stressed plant...even grass. But you probably know more than me wrt lawns.
  14. Have been taunted to the east, north, west, and now south today. Frustrating.
  15. Big hail in that storm west of plymouth...almost 70dbz.
  16. Lighting up north of Plymouth now. Should be a lot of terrain enhanced convection today.
  17. Still 72.5 here while it’s 85 in Plymouth and 88 at MHT.
  18. Looks like it’s collapsing now. Still a lot of pulse action to my east so hopefully that subtle boundary migrates westward. At least the clouds are keeping it cooler. 72/68
  19. Loud thunder to my NE now. Some of those spots are going to get a lot of rain. We jelly.
  20. Ugh...lol. 0.73” in the last 36 days now. Congrats to my NE.
  21. Unfortunately it started collapsing as it reached here and blew back up to my NE. We had a brief downpour and now it’s spitting again. Maybe it can refire to my SE. There must be some boundary in the area because there’s a lot of cell generation from here over toward Pittsfield and nada across the rest of the state.
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