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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Nice. 0.1" here. Be surprised we see anything more than 0.5" all week. 1.62" in the last 90 minutes after 0.73" the previous 44 days.
  2. 1.44" Still mod/hvy rain...rates dancing around the threshold. 64.6F
  3. Lots of backbuilding and already a quick 1-2” to my south. Just hit 1.00” on the Davis.
  4. I installed my new stratus gauge from Christmas today. Good juju.
  5. Looks like some hail just south of here. Northfield/Canterbury line.
  6. Dumping now. Dendrite can breathe. Everything from here through midweek is gravy.
  7. All of this literally formed east of here. FFWs up to my east. Lots of thunder, but no rain. Hopefully it can backbuild up this way, but right now this blows. I’m about to lose it.
  8. 0.01" here. Storm went just north...steady moderate rain missing to the south. It's sad when you're outside watching rain fall that adds up to 0.01", but it seemed like a soaking at the time.
  9. It's all in fun. I appreciate that you put yourself out there and generate discussion...even though your weenie leans toward bias.
  10. 3k dropping a 14" spot on North Conway. May have to rename the Moody Moose to the Floody Moose.
  11. The mesos have more of a synoptic/convective look to them...especially up here. I think it’s going to be difficult for me to get through the next 5 days without beneficial rain. We’ll see how it goes, but someone in CNE could get a good drink.
  12. From drought to SOS on the NAM the next couple days from here to ME. Congrats to the LEW.
  13. 3km really fires off the convection from NH into SNE early tomorrow night.
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