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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Just behind you here with 4”. Maybe we can go for futility?
  2. Idk...if it’s 32° and pounding at 250’ I think he’d be pasting at 33° or something. Kind of a moot point considering it’s the NAM and we’re still a few days away.
  3. That 10mb is like 250ft and it’s pounding rates. Again he’s west of CQX too.
  4. He’s even west of CQX Date: 63 hour NAM valid 9Z THU 17 DEC 20 Station: KCQX Latitude: 41.69 Longitude: -69.99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEV PRES HGHT TEMP DEWP RH DD WETB DIR SPD THETA THE-V THE-W THE-E W mb m C C % C C deg knt K K K K g/kg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFC 1010 -0 1.7 1.5 98 0.2 1.7 53 32 274.1 274.8 274.3 285.5 4.22 1 1000 78 0.2 -0.1 98 0.3 0.1 53 38 273.4 274.0 273.2 283.7 3.80 2 950 487 -3.0 -3.5 96 0.5 -3.2 57 53 274.1 274.6 272.6 282.6 3.10 3 900 913 -5.6 -6.6 93 1.0 -6.0 67 47 275.7 276.1 272.8 282.9 2.58 4 850 1362 -3.6 -4.3 95 0.7 -3.8 75 34 282.4 283.0 277.5 291.7 3.27 5 800 1844 -1.8 -2.2 97 0.4 -2.0 89 25 289.2 290.0 281.7 301.0 4.06 6 750 2354 -5.5 -6.2 95 0.7 -5.8 118 41 290.6 291.2 281.3 300.0 3.21 7 700 2894 -6.0 -6.6 95 0.7 -6.2 144 66 295.9 296.5 283.7 305.8 3.32 8 650 3477 -4.7 -5.1 97 0.4 -4.9 169 84 303.6 304.4 287.4 316.0 4.02 9 600 4106 -6.7 -7.0 98 0.3 -6.8 188 91 308.4 309.1 288.8 320.2 3.78 10 550 4779 -11.5 -12.1 95 0.6 -11.7 206 79 310.4 311.0 288.5 319.2 2.74 11 500 5503 -16.2 -17.0 93 0.8 -16.4 216 69 313.3 313.7 288.7 320.0 2.02
  5. Nice hit down there. Even a good pasting for James.
  6. Definitely less amped. Game over up here other than nuisance snows.
  7. It only runs at 00z right now...and intermittently.
  8. What time does the v16 goofus usually come out for 00z? I’m eager to watch it cave.
  9. If I can’t get crushed then I cheer for cirrus. So I’m only jelly of CAR right now.
  10. Just think of all of the dirty black snow in a few days.
  11. ICON did pretty well with the last event with its model derived ratios and accums. It’s pretty paltry for today down there.
  12. Model mayhem. Nice. Writing is on the wall here. My fans are pointed south.
  13. Compared to this strung out POS on the 18z GFS. Not saying the old GFS is wrong here...just thought the similarities between the 00z NAM and the para GFS from 24hrs prior was interesting.
  14. 00z NAM at 84hr and the 108hr GFSv16 from last night.
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