@Damage In Tolland
I went into the raw 1-min obs for BDL on that 99F day in July and they actually hit 100F in there. But with the 5-min running mean it only averaged out to 99F. Does anyone have the time the official 99F temp occurred? I assume it was 1919Z or 3:19pm EDT. The raw 100F was 1917Z.
14740KBDL BDL2020071914151915 NP 0000 0.00 29.680 29.682 29.683 98 60
14740KBDL BDL2020071914161916 NP 0000 0.00 29.681 29.683 29.684 99 59
14740KBDL BDL2020071914171917 NP 0000 0.00 29.680 29.683 29.683 100 60
14740KBDL BDL2020071914181918 NP 0000 0.00 29.679 29.681 29.682 98 59
14740KBDL BDL2020071914191919 NP 0000 0.00 29.677 29.680 29.681 98 59
I wonder if Stein contributed to this? There’s basically no sfc moisture in S NH right now. That sfc can just keep losing heat without dew quickly forming.
New record low for CON with 28° or 29°. The previous was 30° in multiple previous years.
Kept a bit of wind all night so only hit 35.9°...hard frost on the truck though.
Definite hint of smoke in the air tonight here. Not sure if someone in the neighborhood is burning, but it’s been consistent for the hour I’ve been outside.
Pinkham had a little bit of yore in their Feb 69 report. Their depth kept going up the same amount as the new snow even with depths well over 100”. Maybe you could argue the depth was correct and they just called the increase in depth as the new snow? How much of that depth was due to drifting? Impressive nonetheless.