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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Low 69.7°. It may be time to install.
  2. I'm filling up one of those big yellow tidycat buckets full of water each day in my basement. Almost installed but lost the motivation. 73/70
  3. wxfella sheltered in place with a fine young lady that evening.
  4. Probably not, but Joerg does have a lot of unique ecmwf images over there. Many are free.
  5. https://weather.us/model-charts/euro/usa/ml-lapserate/20200710-0000z.html
  6. A couple of the original COOP forms from around here...Franklin and Lakeport. We took some down.
  7. Scoot will be cryin’ for his momma after another couple days of this. He just has anni plans this weekend. It’s my anni too, but I’m cheering on rain.
  8. http://coolwx.com/cgi-bin/getanalysis.cgi?region=us&time=current&field=stns
  9. Just looking at vis...that exposed llc is a bit elongated looking. there is some inflow toward the exploding convection to the NE so maybe we can drop pressures enough there to shift the main circulation eastward like a secondary triple-point low. The 3k NAM sorta does this, but hooks it more westward anyway into DE/ACY.
  10. Maybe, maybe not. The GFS goes 7/1911 in the extended with 5+ days of 95-100+ in SNE. Lalaland though.
  11. 69/67 after a low of 64.8°. Finally getting the fog to dissipate.
  12. This wasn't even that cold, but it's funny how cold a BN July can look up...especially if we're doing it with cP airmasses.
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