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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. And here comes the anvil exhaust into WNE just in time to blanket us this evening...should be a toasty night.
  2. Back to 97F. They may have...they had a couple of B2B 37C obs, but I'm 50/50 on it. BAF is more likely as they've had quite a string of 37C obs. Add MHT to the club now with 37C.
  3. Really no ratters until last week. Just the steady as she goes daily AN temps. Doing it by winning a lot of 8-2 games versus 16-9.
  4. heh...and right back to 92F (and back to 93F at the top of the hour). I feel like we're about maxed out. The hottest sites have been bouncing around 96-98F for the last 2 hours. Although the wind is definitely starting to pick up here in the last 15-20 mins. Maybe we can compress a bit more over the next hour.
  5. The past few years the temp probe has been a weenie +2F as well. Last year was a COC summer. Maybe he means 2018?
  6. BAF and BDL back down to 97F so those 37C obs are probably 98s.
  7. 90.2/68 First time reaching 90.0+ on the season.
  8. Thermodynamically that doesn't match up so either we're going to see the lower els jump up or it was just a brief temp spike for ORH and they kinda level off over the next hour.
  9. Keep in mind those runs showing 100-101F in S NH/NE MA were trying to mix down dews into the mid 50s. We're not pulling that off today. It's pretty much mid 60s in NH and climbing to near 70F in central MA. It's still pretty damn hot. I'm up to 88.1F and only hit 86.5F yesterday. We're nitpicking over a couple degrees here and there, but that's what we do here.
  10. Not necessarily true for the radiating sites. CON had a low of 66F on 7/14/95 and finished 101F. 7/3/1966 CON had a low of 64F and tied their all-time high of 102F in the afternoon. The 1st of back-to-back 101s at CON on 7/20/1977 started with a low of 66F. The noon ob was missing, but at 1pm they were 97F. The 101F on hot Saturday started with a low of 68F. They were 95F at noon and 98F at 1pm. That 1911 heat wave saw many lows in the 60s.
  11. BDL/HFD 94 MHT/ASH 93 Kinda underwhelming so far for noon. FIT, BOS, and CON only 91.
  12. That's not bad up here with the Monads and ORH hills...we have more wiggle room for compression here. Obviously you know that. Getting a bit more mixing with dews dropping into the mid 60s at the NH sites. The Merr Valley is getting into that 90-92F range now.
  13. Anyway, I was more concerned about the dews today vs yesterday. The torch spots are still running around 70+ sans BDL. It'll be hot either way...just pick your poison. Do you want 95/70 or 99/62?
  14. It's how good your milf looks after 10pm following a few drinks at dinner. 90 by 9 is how young you hope she looks by 9pm.
  15. This was a little different. We had a trough come through mid morning that acted like a dryline. That's when the dews fell from 70-75F down into the 50s. The weak CAA happened later on. It's still mixing and the same idea...we just had a wind shift, an increase in the PGF, and downsloping on top of it from the WNW.
  16. 6z MAV is still cooking S NH and N MA the hardest. 99° for ASH and FIT and 98° at CON, MHT, and LWM.
  17. Tamarack holding me to a higher standard of information. Largest edible fruit tree native to the US (some sources say continent).
  18. A lot of our top heat days start in the 60s. Like we’ve been saying, the lower the dews the higher the heating potential. I don’t worry a lot about the launching pad stuff. As long as we have sun the atmosphere will warm to its potential. We had quite a few midmorning clouds up here in July 95, but once we cleared we still shot up to 100+.
  19. Dews right off the deck aren’t that high. When we lose the mixing, the southerly flow and evapotranspiration start to overwhelm the boundary layer. A puff of wind mixes the lower dews right back down. Monday you guys get some deeper layer humidity. Lots of low 60s in NH this morning. 62.5° here.
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