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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Maybe flakes to finish here. Ray's map looks good for that run.
  2. I’d probably flatten the northern 1/2 of Vermont and turn it into a big, deep lake that struggles to freeze. Then find some elevation around here at 1-1.5k and be content.
  3. Closest to that is VT. LES scraps and a little CAD. Not great at either, but the upslope makes up for it.
  4. Not sure. It's not particularly deep, but after a couple of wet decades we've always gotten by. So I guess Stein nabs another one.
  5. Yeah. I think they're going to drill right next to the other one. Then they can use the same lines/conduit/wiring. My current one is 100ft. They'll probably have to go down at least 250ft. They put the new pump in and I'm supposed to flush it for a good 45 minutes to get the sediment and chlorine shock out, but the well is going dry after about 45 seconds. I have to let the whole thing fill up for about an hour so I can get a few cycles of flushing in before the pump sucks air. I don't want to burn up a new pump so I've been back and forth with the breaker all day. Anyway...nice day today weather wise. Haven't looked at a model so I guess I'll catch up now.
  6. Bring on rains to Maine because my well went dry. The shaft on the pump went, but there's like no water even with a new one. 2020 sucked, but at least it didn't hit my bank account.
  7. Yup. Just cold enough to snow is fine by me. I’ll take 30/20 days everyday in winter.
  8. I haven’t had a low below 15° here in 3 weeks. We should be pulling highs around there or even lower. Yet everything is still frozen solid.
  9. Any weenies have a Davis station that they submit data to on weatherlink.com? I’d like to add your stations to mah list. I have Gene, Kevin, and Ryan on there right now.
  10. Anyone into antiques? Barograph of yore. https://brookline-auction-gallery-llc.liveauctioneers.com/item/94470875_rare-scientific-barograph-barometer
  11. Keep the politics out of here. We made AmPol for a reason.
  12. Surprisingly MPV is listed with a tipper too. I guess that means only BTV has an AWPAGs.
  13. Not sure...it’s missing data. It’s probably is a tipper though. You have pics of the ASOS suite, right? edit...the more I look the more I think only the main climo stations have them. MHT apparently has a heated tipper as well. CON and BTV have AWPAGs.
  14. SNE missed out on 2/25 too...that was about a foot of paste up here.
  15. The AWPAGs precip gauges are really good now. With wind screens the % loss due to turbulence is significantly reduced. It looks like DDH has not received one yet so they still have a heated tipping bucket which will be prone to evaporation in S and tip spill issues in +RA. PSF has a heated tipping bucket as well.
  16. Sucks for a lot of people, but I am loving it. 5 years ago I would be cheering -30F on, but I have other interests now that keep me cheering the cold away. (birds and bamboo)
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