Had a dusting of snow to start. 37° and rain now. Pretty gusty wind too.
Getting ponding around the run thanks to the frozen ground so I’m sure I’ll be bitching about that later. Hopefully we can pop some breaks after we slot and get a few hours well into the 40s with dews and peeks of sun.
Yeah we'll see. The warmth is up around H85. 12k NAM is definitely the warmest. Phin and Freak look fine, but I think Mitch to SkiMRG are the iffy areas. I think I lean toward the colder models, but I'd have caution flags.
I’d rather go full northern stream rather than pump the heights out ahead of it. This run is allowing that nrn stream to dig more with the SW energy way west.
It’s been an awesome winter so far. No arctic cold. A 3ft snow event that torched away in a week. And no other meaningful events. Two thumbs up so far.