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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Nice. Keep taking pics while driving.
  2. Pretty good drifting snow right now. Back to moderate and 25.8F. Up to 1.5". The 2" depth is the highest since the cutter in Dec.
  3. Does wiz post snow obs anymore or is he viewing 900hr CFS CAPE charts?
  4. That's just subby out west in the valley. Just a lull between forcing in the east....it'll all slowly migrate north.
  5. Congress just passed 15" minimum snow
  6. Still some lower level lift below the slot. This wv level is more in the 500-750 layer.
  7. Dryslot going through CT now...precip is getting showery. Looks like those heavier showers from LI are hitting a melting layer.
  8. We need to get him a better light. Looks like a little bit of drizzle.
  9. Nice...what’s that chart from?
  10. Also I think you need 4 hourly obs to get the 3 hours inclusive...not sure. BDR is manned today too, but I’m not sure if they augment vis obs. Maybe @OceanStWx knows how GYX goes about verifying it.
  11. Criteria has always been under 1/4SM. But with automated ASOS sites without augmentation it’s damn near impossible to get obs of M1/4SM. A lot of the old manned 0SM, 1/16SM, and 1/8SM obs are seen as 1/4SM by the ASOS now.
  12. Depends if they’re counting 1/4SM as blizz criteria now.
  13. You’re not missing anything...run of the mill. So I’m cheering on a bust on the low side.
  14. Looks like that’s on the nose of the dryslot. May get a little unstable there.
  15. Yeah...just nw of there. Will be interesting to see the final totals and how the warm layer affects the ratios.
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