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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I like ash, but I’m not a fan of drenching with chemicals to save the trees. Ash and elm will probably need some sort of gene editing to deter EAB and prevent DED. Hemlock and maybe oak are next in line.
  2. Not sure what’s more broken...summer or Scooter?
  3. 3k looked a little more optimistic for CT. Either way it's raw and wet up here.
  4. We'll find a way to put a dent into that too.
  5. Yeah unfortunately the ASOS wasn't up yet.
  6. 53.6° with a brisk wind. Kinda chilly.
  7. Phin's wife waking up one morning in July wondering what happened to her garden.
  8. I think you'll be OK. Silver maples are the ones to watch out for.
  9. Coldest day climo wise at BWI is 41/24/33. BML does that in mid November.
  10. Hard to go below 0F when you're snowing nonstop.
  11. Who said this summer wasn’t hot? It just didn’t feel memorable...especially north of the pike. Sorry heat weenies.
  12. Haven’t had CAA like this in 2+ months. Feels awesome.
  13. Probably not...although if his neighborhood is lacking trees maybe it'd have a chance for awhile? I was thinking moreso the transgenic trees though. I have a 30ft+ tree in the back woods that I found amongst the numerous beech a couple years ago that looks very healthy and there's a bunch of oak around too. Oak can be a carrier of the blight even though it shows no effects from it. The trees I planted all came from GoNative which were saplings or germinated seeds from parents that have strong blight resistance. Scroll down here to see the parent trees... https://www.gonativetrees.com/american-chestnut/ Check out my post in the lawn thread about the transgenic tree going up for approval from the USDA. If it gets the OK from all of the agencies I'll get one of those trees and you'll start seeing them available at nurseries as well. Hopefully once it reaches maturity it'll be able to reproduce with one of my new trees on the one in the woods so that I'll be able to get 50% blight free nuts for germinating purposes.
  14. Look at all of those 90° days at the STEM.
  15. It’s over north of Fort Tauntondale.
  16. I think my top 5 would be... 1. tulip poplar 2. sugar maple 3. american chestnut/black walnut/hickory/hardy pecan (I like edible nut trees) 4. yellow birch 5. black gum
  17. BDL did it. You didn’t do anything at HFD yet. lol
  18. Kill those bradford pears with fire. Those are very invasive...as bad as norway maples.
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