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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like 07-08 here. Except it wasn’t down to 10” the next day. lol
  2. GFS beat the euro to the cold shot last week too.
  3. The euro was consistently dry here. That model has been kinda horrendous lately. Congrats on the H5 scores I guess.
  4. @tamarack Can you ID these samaras I’m finding right now? They’re fairly small and don’t look like the typical sugar, red, or silver maples I usually see. The top photo is zoomed in to the bottom of a Dunkin’s cup.
  5. Another soaker down there on the euro while S NH gets Steined again.
  6. I’m not afraid of heights. I’m afraid of falling.
  7. Congrats. Not much up here. Hopefully we can get a soaking Saturday.
  8. No thanks. KLCH 270653Z AUTO 11085G115KT 1/4SM FG VV006 25/ A2831 RMK AO2 PK WND 100116/0642 RAEMM PRESFR SLP594 P0013 T0250 PWINO $=
  9. We'll put some dents into Stein over the coming week to 10 days.
  10. Yeah when I see rain/elevated convection getting into the cold sector it always give me pause about plowing the warm front through because of the evap cooling north of the front. It always seems to give the cold sector more staying power...especially here in CAD land.
  11. Dews in the low 30s here too this afternoon. MHT had 32F and 1P1 32.5F. MAV is mid/upper 40s and MET low/mid 40s. Mid 40s for SLK too since they're already getting clouds. No freezes tonight.
  12. Yeah TAN ASOS is relatively new. A lot of sites went online in the mid to late 90s when the automation and METAR took over.
  13. Yeah in general ASOS is great. But the siting has been suspect in a few spots the last few years.
  14. Maybe hope for a mild case of COVID so he doesn't smell the seaweed when the coastal front rips through?
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