That's kinda what I was thinking. I'm seeing a lot of exotic high end numbers down there on the upper ranges and kuchies, but like you said, it won't be widespread. Someone like skimrg will probably rack up an 18-20" and rot under a band. Those kuchies are theoretical values based on temps too. You need that lift in the DGZ and it really doesn't matter how cold the warmest temp in the column is. Also, if you're thumping 0.75"-1.00" in 6hrs that snow sample is going to quickly weigh itself down...especially with wind involved too. It's not going to be a jspin sample of 5" with 0.15" liquid that's perfectly stacked like a game of Jenga. 20:1 is tough to sustain for even a 6hr clearing when you're talking that much liquid. So if kuchie is saying 20:1 with 0.75" liquid that's all fine and dandy, but the 15" will probably be only 12" at the 6hr clearing and 10" after 24hr.