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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Scary hot day. Especially with the strong winds.
  2. 23 to 80 at the Sinks Saturday. There was another site in UT that went from 31 to 91 Sat and back to 33 Sun morning before hitting 87 again. Pretty insane.
  3. Not surprised. If it weren't for the 7" in June, this probably would be the driest summer in how many years? If you took away all of the rain all summer we wouldn't have had any.
  4. I already envisioned where the coop would go and the birds free ranging. Of course now I have to worry about the VT bears.
  5. How many years back did they have to go to get a sunny pic there?
  6. The Lakes Region up here is packed too. 75% of the plates are out of state.
  7. Moline goes back the furthest...
  8. Is that at Steele Hill or some random private tiny house? We were actually looking at a house in Sanbornton off of exit 22 before settling here.
  9. It’s probably fine. SI has the FARS for $221 w/o a sensor. https://www.scaledinstruments.com/shop/davis-instruments/add-on-special-purpose-stations/davis-6838-24-hour-fan-aspirated-radiation-shield-without-temperature-humidity-sensor/ They did upgrade the sensor a couple years ago to the Sensirion SHT31. It previously used the SHT15.
  10. Do you have a FARS? if so, fan running properly?
  11. heh...figured this one out today. They’re white pine seeds. I’ve never seen so many of them before. It looks like the red maples in the late spring.
  12. My zoysia grass is growing and spreading through pure sand right now while the rest of the grass in the front went dormant. It's totally laughing at the dry summer and capitalizing on the death of the weeds and other northern grass types.
  13. 63/60...had to turn the window fans off.
  14. Heavy, heavy ’s from the confused clan.
  15. Grampa grampa! Show us the yore damage pictures again! Grandson...5 blackeyed susans were lost that day.
  16. Our grandparents told us about the great hurricanes. We get to tell the grandkids about the great tropical storm.
  17. 74/61 Warm, but a torch fail so far. Maybe we can do better tomorrow before the CAA offsets the warmth.
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