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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. All in fun man. Yeah I’m on mobile so it looks like my senior thesis. I actually read your posts when I get the chance.
  2. Did someone just post War and Peace?
  3. Not snow S of the Pike there during those times. Yeah, there's some decent accums in the high terrain of S VT, SW NH, and W MA, but 10:1 will be difficult to achieve in a RA>IP>SN scenario. I'm not saying no snow or no accums...just take the under on the 10:1 maps.
  4. Good luck on 10:1 with a transition from rain to snow in October.
  5. I mean it’s the 84hr NAM too so it could just flat out be way too warm aloft too. Other models are much cooler aloft. Zeta will be cranking out the latent heating ahead of the system though. As others have said, it’s frigid below 850.
  6. Maybe get that s/w passing to our north on Wed night to dig a bit more and squash the heights a bit more behind it in advance of Zeta and the trailing polar s/w?
  7. Yeah probably. I’m curious to see how you do in our SWFEs. Based on the Randolph depths I assume very well.
  8. Yeah...snow grains probably below the warm layer. Pingers with pixie dust.
  9. Pretty warm H65-H75 layer giving many in CNE sleet...Nammy is borderline SN/PL here.
  10. ewall has all of the model data archived so knock your socks off. http://mp1.met.psu.edu/~fxg1/ARC/2011/20111029/
  11. I think it’s more about a possible October snowstorm followed by a warm Novie like ‘11) ...notsomuch a warm Nov by itself.
  12. Work some lower heights into SE Can and it could be fun, albeit dumbfounding.
  13. 39° -DZ Pretty miserable day. 0.08” so far.
  14. They expect Stein to eat away at the snow growth. Just pixie dust as it reaches the surface.
  15. 45/24...yikes Undercut MOS? Clouds will save the day eventually, but I wonder if we pull some 20s before then.
  16. Ukie bumped north as well. Congrats GFS?
  17. And I already posted it in the sports forum, but it deserves to be posted here too. lol Dodgers
  18. You'll probably want to go with some kind of Davis setup. Either the VP2 with Vantage Connect or their EnviroMonitor. https://www.davisinstruments.com/enviromonitor/ https://www.davisinstruments.com/vantage-pro2/ https://www.davisinstruments.com/data-collection/ Either way it won't be cheap.
  19. There's a strong inhalation restriction with those as the only way for air to enter is through the mask filter. Of course there's much less restriction while exhaling, but there's still some since there's a valve there that you have to breathe out against. If I sneeze or cough a lot of it is getting caught inside of the mask filter too. But I'm not going to lie...I'm looking out for me first. I use these to clean my coop everyday so I know how much they keep out of my lungs. Some of the masks I see people wearing are like wide open and flapping on the sides. Those aren't doing much to stop small droplets in and out either. I understand what others have posted and know that they may not be doing much...correlation obviously doesn't mean causation, but I'll keep wearing mine anyway. It's not causing harm to wear it. 42/28
  20. Obviously not all masks are equal either. I use the 3M 8577 P95 ones. https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/company-us/all-3m-products/~/3M-Particulate-Respirator-8577-P95-w-nuisance-lvl-organic-vapor-relief-for-vending-1-pk-32-pks-cs
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