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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. This is equivalent to freaking out on 5/29 because we haven't had 90s or dews yet. It's going to come and once it does, it's going to be cold, it's going to be dark, and it's going to last you for the rest of your lives.
  2. Entertaining read from Ray and Tip. Way better than Dawn Awakening.
  3. Is that the real deal fermented kind or the vinegar laden kraut in a bag? I like kraut, but I'm more of a kimchi fan.
  4. Yeah that’s fine by me. No need to be cold and dry up here while it snows in Metuchen.
  5. 38F inside and far Even put Lisa in the coop.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Stay safe out there.
  7. 32.3/31. -RA, but started as a period of -ZR. For those traveling up here early watch out for slick spots. NHDOT sucks in the early season before the roads finally accumulate some salt.
  8. 31/25 and overcast Only made it up to 32.3F today.
  9. Yeah...deeper CAD and they’re fine. When it turns into one of those shallow in-situ deals they will probably mix out a bit before Gene and I. But it’s not like it’s going to cost them much...maybe a little less freezing drizzle in some events.
  10. Actually it looks a lot like this one. https://amp.freep.com/amp/86169626
  11. So I’ve been having an animal digging under my gate to my run off and on the past few weeks. My outdoor cam has caught a whitish animal a few nights, but I could never make it out clearly. It looked like the size of a skunk, but lighter like an opossum. I even wondered if it was an ermine, but I figured they could get in between the chain links of the gate and wouldn’t dig. Anyway, I setup a trail cam and we found the guilty party. Has anyone seen a skunk this white before?
  12. 23.7° after a low of 19°. Coating of snow this morning. Still an occasional flake, but the goods in NH are up by Alex and Evan.
  13. White Mountain peeps making snow in their yards. I’ve now seen everything.
  14. I’ll eat just about anything if it’s high quality and prepared well. The only things left I want to try are sea urchin and conch. I wish I ate oysters more, but shucking them is a biatch. They’ll probably be dirt cheap next year.
  15. 25.9° trying to decouple It’s been a struggle to get cold nights although I’m not complaining. My bamboo is thankful.
  16. Or just ride the positive extreme. That’s been pretty balls on.
  17. 34.8° BKN...had some flurries earlier. Pretty breezy morning. Looks like some of the valley locations in SW NH decoupled and fell into the low 20s. Otherwise we were very mixed and around freezing all night.
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