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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. idk...I think it's important to know what the variants are and how they're spreading since this thing mutates so rapidly. But yeah, no one should be freaking out. Like we've been saying for months...we're trying to stop the severe disease, not prevent you from getting it at all.
  2. The India variant was found in Maine. There will probably be a lot of breakthrough cases this summer and everyone will start freaking out.
  3. We get a ton of actual mayflies here along the river. When they're at peak I can't even pump gas at the Cumby's in Tilton down by the Winni River...just swarms of them. No confusion here.
  4. It's been bouncing around...ukie/gfs/ggem more mitigated, but it wouldn't take much of tippy's bulge burgeoning to force the llvl flow more westerly and torch away.
  5. Euro kinda alone on the full summer bandwagon for the weekend, but I hope it's right.
  6. Euro kinda goes to shit after Thursday...hung up boundary with rain/storm chances. Kinda far out there, but wouldn't surprise me to have a torch week and then a lousy weekend.
  7. I definitely found that out a couple years ago. I don't plan on removing the cages though...just wanna reduce the temptation for the chipmunks as much as I can. I had some chinkapins in a Gladware container waiting for them to start rooting and they ate right through one and got most of the nuts. Should I just leave the nuts then? I suppose they've gone this long without getting destroyed. *knock on wood*
  8. Probably mostly Mainiacs and Massholes.
  9. They don’t store well. You pretty much have to eat them right away when they ripen on the tree.
  10. Fedex finally delivered the 5 pawpaw “trees” yesterday. I quote it because they’re pretty small, but pawpaws don’t transplant well…especially older trees. It’s recommended to plant them close together (5-10ft….mine are 8ft) because the roots in the wild tend to graft together and share nutrients. So it’ll be 3-5 years, but eventually they will flower and we’ll get some fruit.
  11. Pouring. Great for the plants. Looking like a wet afternoon.
  12. @tamarack Is it safe for me to cut the chesnuts off from the seedlings yet? I feel like it’s just a matter of time before a chippy gets tempted to rip the guards off and tear into them.
  13. The black flies are horrible right now. I step outside and get annihilated. If I want to do anything out there I need the full bug-free clothing.
  14. Anything written about a month later?
  15. High of 77F. Low dew of 21F. Low RH of 13%. Mostly sunny all day. Pretty much perfect for spring weather. I could use some dews near 50F though.
  16. More crypto for Scoot. was going to go in on ADA the other day, but was caught up with things…was in the 1.80s. Now it just keeps climbing…over 2.30 now. Can someone get me a damn dip back under $2?
  17. Pushing 70° already. Love it.
  18. I’d just like to say FedEx absolutely sucks. I can’t believe anyone ships with them anymore. When I see something is shipping here via them I instantly groan inside and wonder how exactly the shipping will be screwed up.
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