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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Almost 12” new since 6am. We’ll call it 11.7” so that’s 5” in the past hour. Up to 25.3”
  2. Yeah this is unheard of here too. My highest since moving here was 21” in Jan 11. Oct 11 was my 2nd biggest with 19”.
  3. Had 20” at 8am...13.3” from 12-6 and then 6.7” new in the huge area I cleared. New uncleared depth was 18.5” so that passes the smell test for settling. That 6.7” was 2 hours so we’re doing 2-4”/hr. I’d estimate 22-23” right now. I’ll go out and measure at 9am. I need to reclear the path to the birds.
  4. Time to backbuild this a little south again.
  5. 20” new. 6.7” since I cleared at 6am. Untouched areas average out to 18.5” storm depth.
  6. Mine will look like 20” until sunset.
  7. I feel for you guys down there. You had a few big deformation bands the last handful of years while it was relatively meh up here. Some get a subby, some get a chubby.
  8. Weeeeeee. This will end up a new record for me.
  9. She isn’t even awake yet. Heavy heavy anger soon. Up to 16” in an uncleared area. Pushing 17” in my cleared spot.
  10. Wonder if that guy on Webster Lake in Franklin still thinks his lake is going to give him no snow.
  11. My anny is dead so I have no wind here for the foreseeable future. But yeah, it’s light wind for awhile and then you get a 20-30mph gust to mix down and roar. Then back to 5mph or less again.
  12. I cleared like a 10ft by 10ft area. We’ll see how it goes. It’s probably not as windy as I make it sound (I see CON at 8mph sustained lol), but I want this stacking pristine.
  13. This wind can F off though. Will be epic drifts.
  14. My 6hr sample was 13.3”/0.81” liquid
  15. 13-14”. Calling this 6hr sample 13.3”. The area I cleared had a new inch on it after 10 minutes.
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