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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Mommy, can we go out and play in the dews after we open presents?
  2. I had an ice layer underneath on the driveway so I measured from there. My 2 huge 6hr samples I had to jab the outer Stratus gauge in straight down to the ice to compact it in. The 19” sample was real fun. Then I just bring it in and get the tap water really hot and pour in a measured amount from the inner stratus tube...just keep adding until all of the snow is melted. Then pour it back through the funnel into the inner tube in increments without overfilling and spilling over the 1” line. That’s why most of my numbers are around 3/4” just to be safe. As for the core outside, I clear the snow around the tube on the board (this case ice) and I have a large mason trowel that I slide under so I can lift the core up without spilling anything. I cleared a large area on the ice after this for the next 6hr sample since I was concerned about wind contamination. The wind actually never got that bad after the first sample. You could see in my pics how the dendrites just stacked up perfectly. So despite a 34” fluff bomb I’m actually very confident in my measurements.
  3. Not sure if I’m still in the system up there for Northfield 1W (pretty sure Mike made me an ID), if it wasn’t seen I’d like to add my 34.4”/1.89” for historical purposes. The official scorecard.
  4. Seems low. Center Sandwich 18.1” and Meredith 36.8” in cocorahs. Where in CH is your parent’s place?
  5. 28.0” 2.00” 22.0” 1.82” 48” 3.82” Yeah there’s a problem with that. Blow off from the roof maybe? That would pack it down and create a huge total.
  6. Some interesting and fun comments in the NH cocorahs obs this morning. I see obs from people with less w.e. than me, but 40-48” of snow. I find that hard to imagine considering I was already clearing every 6 hours and pulled 34.4” with 1.89”. I hope no one was clearing more rapidly than 6hrly intervals.
  7. 34.4” The high-res RDPS definitely performed the best with the band. In nailed the location for multiple runs. I wish I could see soundings for that. Does any site have them?
  8. My back spasms have been so bad that a few weeks ago I needed Lisa to help me walk and get to and from the bathroom. Was in bed for 2-3 days straight. It’s getting a little better, but I can still feel it act up sometimes. I had to shovel around the run and that’s where it starts to twitch out. Thank god for the snowblower and the armorskids over my shitty, uneven, dirt/gravel driveway.
  9. Holy shit. I went out to let the chooks out and I looked at the edges of the pack where I snowblowed and thought it looked quite a bit lower. All of my measurements were 22-23”. So we lost 7-8” in about 12hrs.
  10. I hate the pack being disturbed too. I do clear and orderly area of grass for my birds to free range on, but my neighbors make me go full tilt sometimes. Yeah, I know...they have kids having fun in it so I’m not really mad. But he will snowblow almost half of his backyard in a circle and blow all of the snow into the middle and make a mountain. The kids have a blast, but my OCD goes off the charts.
  11. Kinda. But it looks really impressive for a couple of days. Thank god this wasn’t paste or else everything would have came down. I briefly lost power and had my cable wire come down in 3” a couple weeks ago, yet with this 34” not even a flicker. The bamboo is going to love it...nothing stuck to it and it has a nice insulation from the cold. Heavy, heavy migraine this morning. I think I got so amped up since the 00z models Wed night and then the following cleanup just wiped me out.
  12. Newbury NH cocorahs just came in with 43.9” and a 30” depth. That’s the same depth I had at peak yesterday.
  13. I have this thing where there’s no way I can start cleaning up the snow until it’s over. I need to see the untouched aftermath or else I get ragey. It’s probably a Kevin OCD thing.
  14. Heh. To be fair I was intrigued and had a lot of posts and interest in the thread. There was a part of me that thought it could get up here, but I didn’t have a lot of reliable model guidance to back me up. The euro was so paltry up here every run that it was hard to accept the NAM and canadian models. Everything ticked south at 18z and I figured I was done for. Before the 00z runs rolled out I noticed the trajectory of the band in PA/NY looked pretty good for mby so I waited the 00z runs out and that’s when everything came way north again and Ray started melting. it’s probably worth giving the mesos more weight once inside 12-24hr when the synoptics are mostly ironed out. That was a draining cleanup though and I’m still not done. I’m already ready for a repeat though. I think even Lisa enjoyed it.
  15. Just noticed I had more snow in 12 hours today than I had during the entire season of 2015-16.
  16. 1.89” so over the coming days it’ll work its way down to 10:1
  17. Deck pic. There was nothing on it at midnight. That’s also on the east side of the house so no blow off.
  18. I have a bunch of pics and vids...I’ll screw with the vids later. Youtube always gives me problems with vid quality.
  19. Still cleaning up here, but the Ariens is a beast. I raised the blower about an inch up with my Armorskids and just plowed through. The snow was about 10” above the top of it, but I did one pass slow and let it cave in and then cleaned it up a 2nd time through at a higher speed. The chicken coop and run was back breaking though. Next up is cleaning off the vehicles.
  20. Down to -SN. 2.1” last hour...mostly in the first 20 minutes. 34.4”
  21. There was some TS in SW NH this morning. Just a few strikes picked up.
  22. I think hotdogs were literally falling from the sky this morning.
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