Oh it was a serious question. Did you cold stratify them inside? For nuts I usually wait for them to start germinating before I plant them, but you can just put them in the ground now too and let nature do it. My black walnut haven’t germinated yet in the fridge...I’m not sure if they need a little warmth to spring them to life? My chestnuts, chinkapins, and blue oaks all started germinating on their own in the fridge without warmth.
edit... I’ll add, make sure you protect the planted nut from rodents. I used 1/2” hardware cloth tubes buried into the ground a bit to keep out voles and chippies. Chippies are the worst...they’ll wreck every seedling. Little bastards love to chomp off my new seedlings and leave the pieces on the ground while they plant their own sunflower seeds in my pots.