We were wedged for a day i the middle of that warmup. I was in MHT at the time...so 3/29 is legit. It was thrust out pretty easily the next day though. Around midnight into the morning of April Fool’s screen doors slammed shut and it quickly went from a mild night around 70° down to the 40s with drizzle and dropped all day.
Another bone dry day here. Min of 10% RH. 63/11 13% right now. The sensor in my chicken run was 79° with 1% today...a little bit too low, but it was still probably like 4-5%. I may need a red flag warning for the bamboo.
I prefer it a little muggy...I'm all set with the 70+ although I'd admit it's nice at the beach and I loved it in FL. But up here 80/60 is probably my preference. No chill in the evening and the window fans cool down the house efficiently. I'm not stressing about overheating birds either.
63/24...higher dews in N/C NH today than S NH. I wonder if it's the residual snow melt and mud season putting a little moisture
Missing over 20% of the data too
There's a horti-mulch mix that I used from a local place around the shrubs last year that I liked...all natural (no dyes) with a little bit of compost added in and it's pretty dark. I wouldn't even need to fertilize my fruit trees anymore as that stuff breaks down underneath. I'll be raking up the mulch out of the grass every other night though from those little t-rexes.
It feels like I just went through a good DC winter. A monster storm, big torch, nothing too cold all winter, meh pack, and then we cherry blossom in March. Hopefully we can advect in some cicadas next month too.
Just looking at that 3/18 again and had to laugh. Wake up to 29F and a frosted windshield and then sweating your ass off in shorts in the afternoon 52 degrees later.