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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I'll have 10 pawpaw trees after I add 6 this summer. I have 2 large pear trees (good large fruit), a common apple (fruit sucks), a crab apple (good but tart), a peach (dying and cutting it this year), and 2 tart cherries already. I've started a good dozen american chestnut trees as well. I planted 4 seedless concord grapevines a few years ago and got a ton of fruit last year, but they all have seed remnants. So I turned to Double A Vineyards in NY for higher quality vines that are truly seedless. I'll plant those bare root in April. I want to use my land. I don't want it to use me.
  2. Yeah the low crud is getting decimated. I can see it brightening to my west.
  3. My abnormally dry yard is soggy and full of puddles.
  4. 55/52 is doing way more damage on the snow banks than 60/10 with sun did.
  5. I'd like to cover 9/10 of my lawn with a foot of wood chips and just plant all fruit and nut trees.
  6. That little mesolow off the southcoast kinda has to kick east before the westerly flow starts mixing down. So it’s probably a slow progression from SW CT up to my way. Models don’t mix the crap out up here until after 18z and we know how that can lag so my hunch is I’m screwed. I’ll probably get some breaks after 5pm when the sun is behind the western pines.
  7. May struggle clearing up here. Meh.
  8. We were wedged for a day i the middle of that warmup. I was in MHT at the time...so 3/29 is legit. It was thrust out pretty easily the next day though. Around midnight into the morning of April Fool’s screen doors slammed shut and it quickly went from a mild night around 70° down to the 40s with drizzle and dropped all day.
  9. 1998 at ASH 3/25 50F 3/26 63F 3/27 77F 3/28 88F 3/29 73F 3/30 84F 3/31 90F
  10. There's no way this was warmer than 1998 there.
  11. If you want a name change just let me know. We only allow 1 account.
  12. Another bone dry day here. Min of 10% RH. 63/11 13% right now. The sensor in my chicken run was 79° with 1% today...a little bit too low, but it was still probably like 4-5%. I may need a red flag warning for the bamboo.
  13. I feel bad for Ant. Only 1 GFS model to post per model cycle now.
  14. I prefer it a little muggy...I'm all set with the 70+ although I'd admit it's nice at the beach and I loved it in FL. But up here 80/60 is probably my preference. No chill in the evening and the window fans cool down the house efficiently. I'm not stressing about overheating birds either.
  15. Lawn porn. But man non-Americans must laugh at our lawns and how we maintain them.
  16. Yeah that was my thinking too. A little evap/sub cooling north of CON.
  17. 63/24...higher dews in N/C NH today than S NH. I wonder if it's the residual snow melt and mud season putting a little moisture Missing over 20% of the data too
  18. There's a horti-mulch mix that I used from a local place around the shrubs last year that I liked...all natural (no dyes) with a little bit of compost added in and it's pretty dark. I wouldn't even need to fertilize my fruit trees anymore as that stuff breaks down underneath. I'll be raking up the mulch out of the grass every other night though from those little t-rexes.
  19. "Dad...tell me that story again about the last time Laconia had a 49F dewpoint in July."
  20. It feels like I just went through a good DC winter. A monster storm, big torch, nothing too cold all winter, meh pack, and then we cherry blossom in March. Hopefully we can advect in some cicadas next month too.
  21. Love the mulched trees. I'd do that here, but yeah...chickens.
  22. Not gonna lie...starting to get a little concerned. Maybe like 5%.
  23. 3k looks a bit more optimistic for the interior. It's March so we take what we can get.
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