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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Usually when my chickens are enjoying winter the weenies on the forum are losing it....a definite negative correlation.
  2. 1.6” here and nothing really melted...it just compacted a bit during the freezing rain and sleet. The high was only 35.7°.
  3. I think that inch was heavier than the 34”.
  4. Winding down. Another 0.7” after the flip back on top of the 0.9” of crap. So we’ll call it 1.6” final.
  5. What a fail. Lol 28.8° with FZDZ Under an inch of SN/PL.
  6. I think he’ll get more than me. He’s shook after I stole 12/17.
  7. 3k with about 0.20" before the flip. RGEM about 0.30". 12z EC was a bit over 0.40". So we'll call it 2-4" of snow here and then some crap on top. Just enough to be a PITA and not melt until March.
  8. Go big or go home. It's nice to have the yard back. I'm turning into Bob.
  9. I hear ya. I’m not looking forward to cleaning up 3-5” of cement after being off since 12/16. After the big event 12/17 I’m fine if I don’t see another flake this winter.
  10. No. These are good events for you and me. The SW flow is in the upper levels. The low levels have a NE ageostrophic drain with the CAD. This run just has better forcing in S NH versus N NH so I end up with a good quick thump before the changeover. Sometimes it just happens.
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