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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Bring on rains to Maine because my well went dry. The shaft on the pump went, but there's like no water even with a new one. 2020 sucked, but at least it didn't hit my bank account.
  2. Yup. Just cold enough to snow is fine by me. I’ll take 30/20 days everyday in winter.
  3. I haven’t had a low below 15° here in 3 weeks. We should be pulling highs around there or even lower. Yet everything is still frozen solid.
  4. Any weenies have a Davis station that they submit data to on weatherlink.com? I’d like to add your stations to mah list. I have Gene, Kevin, and Ryan on there right now.
  5. Anyone into antiques? Barograph of yore. https://brookline-auction-gallery-llc.liveauctioneers.com/item/94470875_rare-scientific-barograph-barometer
  6. Keep the politics out of here. We made AmPol for a reason.
  7. Surprisingly MPV is listed with a tipper too. I guess that means only BTV has an AWPAGs.
  8. Not sure...it’s missing data. It’s probably is a tipper though. You have pics of the ASOS suite, right? edit...the more I look the more I think only the main climo stations have them. MHT apparently has a heated tipper as well. CON and BTV have AWPAGs.
  9. SNE missed out on 2/25 too...that was about a foot of paste up here.
  10. The AWPAGs precip gauges are really good now. With wind screens the % loss due to turbulence is significantly reduced. It looks like DDH has not received one yet so they still have a heated tipping bucket which will be prone to evaporation in S and tip spill issues in +RA. PSF has a heated tipping bucket as well.
  11. Sucks for a lot of people, but I am loving it. 5 years ago I would be cheering -30F on, but I have other interests now that keep me cheering the cold away. (birds and bamboo)
  12. It’s actually relatively cold under that cutoff ridge at the sfc in the prairie provinces and the upper plains...heavy heavy inversion and fake cold though.
  13. That is a really weird H5 look for the season across the interior of NAMER.
  14. 10-20”...lol. I did that in 3 hours.
  15. A little deformation with that band from N PA up through there. Models have it fizzling out within a few hours so capitalize while you can.
  16. It was pretty cool, but it turned to liquid water pretty fast.
  17. Weird. Must be a resolution difference...but that’s a big difference in PA.
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