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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I feel like we're going to get one of Tip's Sonoran releases this summer...a 100-102F deal.
  2. Holy crap is it nasty already. MHT 83
  3. Quillayute (UIL airport) had never recorded 100F before today and then they managed 110F this afternoon.
  4. Can’t believe CNN hasn’t been hitting this heat harder online. This is right up their alley.
  5. DLS 118° That ties the Washington state all-time record high.
  6. When we bitched about it running warm years ago...MADIS confirmed the drift. Then we noticed it looked better...MADIS confirmed. Then you noticed it was getting out of line again...MADIS confirmed. June '18 to Feb '20...ran 2F warm. Feb '20 to Feb '21...close to expected Feb '21 to present...running 1-2F warm There's a lot more drift in the high temps since the end of 2019 too. Makes me wonder if there's some radiation issues. Using the CON black mulch?
  7. Good chance for a 106F in there for SEA.
  8. PDX 113° and a 3rd straight day of an all-time record high. Has that ever happened? lol SEA 104°
  9. PDX up to 111°/112° again. Salem, OR (SLE) 117°
  10. Running 2° warm all of the time is draining.
  11. The problem is the sensor is enclosed…it has a lot of thermal mass and slower response time. A FARS is superior to a passive shield as well. So even though it’s the same sensor the other factors make a huge difference. If you want the most accurate temps possible…you pretty much need to go with a FARS. Maybe a station on the beach or on a summit sees negligible difference.
  12. You can do wireless with a Davis. Do you actually have a spot to site it properly or would it be on a balcony against the side of the building? There’s not a lot of point spending mid range money on a station if the rain and wind is getting blocked by a building and you have radiated heat affecting temp reading from a roof or vent. If you’re around the $150-200 mark you’re talking Ambient. $350-400 and it’s a Davis Vue. $600 and it’s a Davis VP2 with FARS. $1k and you’re getting into the high end Davis with solar/uv/soil sensors.
  13. Brief shower just went through…only enough to make it more humid. Looks like round 2 for the lakes. Hopefully we can bet something measurable through here.
  14. 100F to 106F at PDX in 10 mins.
  15. We pray. A little cell just popped west of here.
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