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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I saw some guy on amazon that said he caught a lot of beneficial moths and bees. Of course he said he’s a beekeeper too so he’s got more bees around than the usual. Some people on there made some guards that block most of the moths and bees, but let the mosquitoes and midges through.
  2. Beautiful afternoon. Mid 60s and full sun.
  3. Does it just attract and kill the pest insects or are the beneficial ones killed too? I’m tempted to try it.
  4. Can't wait for the home version. https://www.freethink.com/articles/farming-robot
  5. Some worms can convert polystyrene and polyethylene into something biodegradable. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/world/mealworms-bacteria-plastic-waste-c2e-spc-intl/index.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffkart/2020/03/09/mysterious-worms-eat-plastic-and-poop-alcohol/?sh=4277c8bc79e0
  6. Showers and storms down there too in the afternoon. 3k is still u60s/l70s region wide.
  7. Looks toasty tomorrow. I’ll take a shit week if I can get 65-70 on Sunday.
  8. No lion this morning. 40° and just breezy.
  9. You’re off to another dramatic start to the season. Can’t wait for the next episode.
  10. Yeah hickory is a slow one. My fruit trees are leafing out as well as the maples, irches, aspen, and tulip tree. My chestnuts are trying to break bud and the hickories are just swelling.
  11. 50° Intermittent downpours Where’s my snow squalls
  12. I don’t even remember anyone taking consistent obs there when we were there. I remember doing some obs with the old stevenson screen in Ins and Obs, but everyone slacked with that.
  13. 1.30" total the past couple of days and pouring again. Hopefully we're done for awhile. The moss will be thriving.
  14. Will he pass the conditioning test?
  15. Think of all of the virtual milfs.
  16. https://wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?nh1099 https://wrcc.dri.edu/coopmap/ — select nh in the menu I assume you want lower numbers to help support your case?
  17. https://wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?nh6945
  18. Stein taking some jabs up here today. 53.9° +RA
  19. Some diffluent flow up there aloft...right-front quad of an upper level jet too.
  20. He should've just left the "sensible weather wise" part off to cover all of his bases.
  21. Sounds like you have an old body.
  22. Lots of sun now and pushing 60F with dews up near 50F. It's amazing how much different the airmass feels with 60/50 vs 65/10 yesterday.
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