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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like they were accidentally looking at some AUG 81-2010 numbers when making the comparison to some of the new CON ones. The September 81-10 for AUG was 69.6/50.5/60.0. That would give you the exact changes they listed for CON when comparing to the new CON numbers.
  2. Here's the edits I made using the couple of sources I found for the 81-2010 normals.
  3. Another day, another 1”+. Still pouring and 1.04” in the tipper. Wx2fish up to 1.52”
  4. Some of those changes in the normals don’t add up with the 81-2010 normals they have on their page. I thought it looked strange seeing Sep +4 for highs and -2 for mins. https://www.weather.gov/media/gyx/climo/30_Year_Normals_CON_September.pdf
  5. Yeah…so the next time someone says we’re running 3” behind on the year we can just say it would’ve been a wet year 30 years ago.
  6. Compared to the normals 30 years ago. +1/+3/+2 on temps. Almost 6” wetter.
  7. Pouring again. Stein weeps.
  8. He’s living in Andy Kaufman’s basement.
  9. Sun coming out in CON now. We'll take what we can get.
  10. Cumrocket doubling in size today. The wife is impressed.
  11. idk if that was in response to me, but it's felt like April climo since about late Feb onward.
  12. Yeah it's all good. I don't want to go into convective season with the yard bone dry. I just want to get my bare root grapes into the ground tonight so hopefully this evening is dry despite the clouds. It feels like it's been April for 3 months though.
  13. At least you had a lot of virtual snow this past winter.
  14. Shittiest b'day wx in awhile. I remember when the GFS had 90F for today.
  15. I had it bad too and totally eliminated it with a diet change and eating whole, real foods. You really have to go super clean for a good week or two to see the changes and then reintroduce foods slowly back in to see if they're a trigger. Acidic foods didn't bother me...it was moreso refined oils, transfats, refined sugar, artificial garbage, etc. Although bananas are a weird "healthy" trigger for me. 15 mins after eating one it's heartburn city...even after no reflux for months.
  16. Does it have a virtual green lawn?
  17. Will be awesome with 45° and drizzle beneath them.
  18. Looks good, but I just want to target the grubs. The flies are beneficial to me because they pollinate my pawpaws. My chickens love the crickets later in the summer. I like the nematode idea, but maybe I need to find someone locally since they need to stay refrigerated.
  19. Do you have a brand you’d recommend for grub control? What’s the cost for about a half acre?
  20. Just noticed I have an infestation of grubs out front. I’m leaning the beneficial nematode route...just cross checking to be sure they’re safe for chickens.
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