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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Under trees? Level? Gypsy pee?
  2. Put 80lbs of this down on part of the lawn yesterday...10lb/1k sqft. Spread some into the fruit trees as well. We'll see how it goes.
  3. I know there's none native even close to here, but for giggles I bought some blue ash seed online and cold stratified it in the fridge this winter. We'll see if it germinates.
  4. 7 hundredths here. Enough to at least soggy up the fert I put down yesterday. It's a slow release anyway so nbd.
  5. Beautiful day. Mostly sunny with low 60s for most of it. Clouding up now.
  6. Was gonna lay down some fert today…kinda wanted a little rain tomorrow, but it’s looking more suppressed overnight. Maybe we can salvage a decent afternoon tomorrow.
  7. Colder there than here. 40.2° on the hill.
  8. I haven’t been letting them out enough with the standing water out there. It’s all earthworms all the time (AEWATT) and they’ll eventually eat one with parasitic worms and drink out of a puddle with coccidia. They’re better off in the dry run during the day eating dried mealworms and fodder I grow for them.
  9. Good news on the ash tree front… @BrianW
  10. 2 ticks on me today. One was latched onto my neck this evening. Kill’em with fire.
  11. Most are in that small reddish stage. A few early species have small green leaves. It's been stunted for weeks, but starting to pick up after the last couple days of sun.
  12. How'd it look July of 09? It looked like Ireland here.
  13. Except last May 9 when it was still in the 30s in the late afternoon with sun and wind.
  14. Interior ftl. A little luck up here with the winni influence.
  15. Well the new normals are in effect so it’ll be more difficult to run AN going forward…at least for the first few years assuming the warming continues to increase. If this new decade somehow ends up cool compared to the last few decades it’ll look like an impending ice age in the monthly departures.
  16. When they stopped the obs at the airport and went to the coop for snow obs I noticed the CON numbers creeping up higher than usual with respect to me and other obs. So I think you’ll see them go up with relation to the other sites the next two decadal normal updates. SNE has been on a hell of a streak in the past decade though.
  17. He's starting ASEMATTwx.com and taking the taunton posters and james with him.
  18. 55F with full sun is nice in March. On May 6 it sucks.
  19. Too far out there for my liking. Early May was looking nice in that time frame a couple weeks ago too.
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