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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 2 good boomers so far and another on the way. The last one had my heaviest rates of the season…6.47”/hr. Quick hitters though…only 0.31” so far.
  2. More here… https://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/68737.pdf
  3. 7/7/2002 That was fairly similar with mostly 2SM vis, but it was a little more widespread.
  4. Phin is ready to question every COVID related death today.
  5. 16” of rain and heavy heavy smoke. Only in 2021.
  6. On pace for the most July hours of temps below 70F since 2009. The dews have only been above average because we've been saturated for 90% of the month.
  7. ORE 2SM...legit. Lots of 3-4SM obs out there now.
  8. Well the manned sites can override and augment the obs. Sometimes they'll throw in HZ/FU on top of the BR.
  9. Most still use 12000ft ceilometers although some of the larger, climo stations use the 25000ft ones. BOS even used to report layers up to 35000ft.
  10. ASOS doesn't really distinguish between the two...it's just a vis sensor. So the HZ vs BR obs are all based on the dewpoint depression. A vis of 4SM or less will result in BR (or FG if it's low enough) and anything over 4SM is HZ.
  11. Maybe we can get some falling ash. Quite a bit of sfc smoke on the HRRR still. Exciting times.
  12. Getting quite a bit of haze now. My AQI is pushing 140.
  13. Must be some local deal. It’s been creeping up all night.
  14. Just got a big whiff of smoke blowing into the bedroom via the window fan. Is that smoke into the region yet?
  15. Maybe, but he’s been dealing with a AAAA lineup at times as well. I’m actually surprised they’re above .500
  16. lol...he did it. 4 K's in the inning.
  17. German going for the 4k inning.
  18. Time to send Duran back down.
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