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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 28° with some thick freezing fog. Maybe we can get some rime.
  2. Looked like the nrn stream got a little out ahead and dug more and kept the southern system from being able to amplify as much.
  3. That northern stream is a lot more amplified...not sure if it'll have any effect on the system though.
  4. heh...SREFs are still zonked. Too bad they suck.
  5. 12z tomorrow. And then the ukie and euro run and say no way. Then the 18z comes back to earth. That’s usually how it plays out.
  6. I can envision Megan and Will heading out in her car and DMX comes on. He promptly shuts that off and pops in his Rippingtons CD that he uses for a bookmark in his Kocin book and names off every song, the year it played on TWC, and at which point on the 8s it was actually played. Also, whether it was played on a short or long local forecast.
  7. Which is ironic considering 2 of his big hits were the wanderer and runaround sue. Lol
  8. Will’s music collection is entirely everything from the local on the 8’s.
  9. Some moderate mid level goodies up here with that. Haven’t been following it enough like Will and Tip so I’ll take their word on it that it’s trending sheared and flatter.
  10. The macular degeneration is already setting in. I have a little black shadow spot in the FOV from my right eye. Plenty of floaters too and not the fun ones in the bowl.
  11. Anyone here grow seedless grapes? I bought some seedless concord and mars grapes from Lowes a few years ago and last year they all had big seeds. So I’m looking for a reputable place to purchase them from.
  12. heh...I still had some on the deck railing from the last system so I was trying to judge it by the drop off in snow along the vehicles. I guess the shadows on the north side made it look steeper than it really was.
  13. If you call a tenth of liquid meaningful. At least it’ll cover the deer poop in NH.
  14. Looks like the have-nots from the last system are the haves for this one.
  15. Euro will come northwest...guaranteed. Gone are the days where it remains the rogue model and ends up winning anyway.
  16. Time to get the eyes checked. 1.6”/0.09”
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