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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Steined up here. Will probably end up with an inch. Just enough to make me have to waste time cleaning it like the last 5 events.
  2. Another 1.7”. Haven’t melted it down yet. Nickles and pennies other than the big one.
  3. Yeah it will and we will take it and like it.
  4. Kuchie can underestimate if you're getting deformed with sfc temps relatively warm at 30F+. As long as the crystals aren't melting or sublimating on the way down all that matters is the temp and lift in the DGZ. Oct 2011 was kinda like that up here. It was high ratio under the deformation despite 2m temps of 31-32F.
  5. lol at how the euro centers about 5 events over SNE in the next 10 days. That was an easy call.
  6. Up here we used the great flurry of 1985.
  7. Nothing is worse than the beer fermentation biproduct they used at Plymouth St. It was brownish red and reeked.
  8. Chickens, boo, and snow. It’s how we do winter.
  9. Especially if you have areas of different densities.
  10. I was sneaking watching TWC instead of sports back then when the family left to go shopping. Then when they pulled in I’d quickly slide the old cable box back to ESPN or NESN as if I had been watching Spice. I thought they would think there was something wrong with me. lol
  11. Congrats Mitch. One more foot for full coverage.
  12. Ha! Now we know where Scooter gets his knowledge.
  13. I'm shocked the RPM finally dropped the 12-16" for NH.
  14. 12k with 0.06" here and 3k with 0.03". Stein!
  15. Yeah...been awhile since we had a SWFE look. I’m just hoping we keep the core of the cold away and let it moderate to our west. I’ll take some snow events in exchange.
  16. That’s nice up here as well. Probably similar totals.
  17. All downhill after Pope went big. Maybe he’s the first Antipope since the 15th century?
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