It got a lot worse and I think it’s fire blight. This is an empire which is supposed to have some resistance to that. Oops. It seems to be entering in via the flower blossoms and wiping out the tree from the new growth down to the branches. I tried pruning back all infected areas the best I could and used a clorox wipe to clean my pruners before each cut. If it does, it dies. The next attempt will be an enterprise apple tree to be my honeycrisp pollinator. Those are supposed to be very disease resistant…especially to fire blight. My honeycrisp looks fine though.
Wtf is up with that little area of rain not moving in E VT between LEB and Claremont? It’s been Q-S for hours…almost looks like some kind of standing wave or blocked flow.
Low was a brief 68.4° when we went calm, but it was mostly lightly mixed and/or with variable clouds overnight. I woke up at 5am and it was 71°. Pretty gross out there, but it’s almost over. Just starting to get the dews here.
Well I think part of it is better mixing north of that "boundary". There's more S/SW flow south of it too. So dews crept up a bit this morning over the interior only to mix out. Once the mixing layer drops and winds let up we'll probably see dews spike back up this evening over the interior and we'll have a brutal 70/70 type night.
And temps while we're at it. "Only" upper 80s where the dews have now climbed to near 70F and low/mid 90s north of the boundary in the drier air. Thermodynamics at work.
So what am I looking at here with this apple tree? Fireblight? Lack of water? Maybe just root rot? It’s leaves/fruit are wilting and dying…mostly on the new growth. It’s gone downhill since I got it. Agway had the pot out in full sun too with a continuous drip keeping it moist. My honeycrisp next to it seems fine.
I should’ve gotten them in the ground, but I wanted to protect them from deer first.