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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Some of the mesos get the sfc low going a little sooner and back the sfc winds for S NH and NE MA before it exits. That may keep it cold enough for more accums.
  2. wth is wxbell doing there? Looks like the'yre taking the instantaneous precip rates and adding them all together to get total QPF. Here's COD
  3. btw weenies...you can get it here... http://www.taiganet.com/forum/index.php/topic,4135.0.html The settings can be a little confusing and take awhile to setup, but it's pretty cool once you get it going.
  4. That’s probably my bad. I’ll have to check my settings.
  5. Got the wxstar 4000 simulator running and the settings all setup tonight.
  6. I could see some initial sticking issues ASH-MHT-maybe CON with a little insolation and temps just above freezing. Maybe one of those melting on contact dels for awhile and then it becomes a slushy coating.
  7. SW corner of my house and garage...torch city. Add the UV reflection off the siding and maybe we can pull a 5 UVI midday.
  8. Anyone here have that new Davis AirLink? PM10 and PM2.5 doesn't exactly get my jollies off, but I'm tempted to get one anyway because, well...why not? https://www.scaledinstruments.com/shop/davis-instruments/pro2-integrated-sensor-suite-upgrades-and-add-ons/preorder-davis-7210-airlink-professional-air-quality-sensor/ Just curious if anyone here has it yet and how well it performs.
  9. It's amazing how nice a 30F sunny day feels even this time of year. I'm all for a couple more biggies, but please sprinkle some 50F sunny days in between. TIA
  10. Yeah I wanna say later into Feb too. I remember Will and I talking about how bad the NAM was performing and I had the idea that its domain wasn’t picking up the blocking very well toward Greenland. I lost my data in a hard drive crash, but I recall a lot of 20s for highs and teens for lows that month with persistent wind. Basically a whole lotta nothin. Obviously we know DC was getting crushed with multiple events as well while we either mixed or whiffed.
  11. 09-10 we had a lot of stale cold airmasses up here from the blocking. It’s consistently cold, but the arctic shots are more of a maritime arctic than a continental arctic. I think that was part of our problem this year. Then when we did have vodka cold drop out of Canada it dropped its load well to the west.
  12. Get some durian from an Asian food store. If you can't smell that you can't smell anything. Maybe it would restimulate your senses. lol
  13. Yeah pretty much. Although active cases in C NH are dropping pretty quickly. I did have a former coworker die from it last week. Poor guy retired about a year ago and dies of this after being in the hospital for about 5 weeks. Shitty way to go.
  14. My mom and dad are scheduled to get the vaccine this Wednesday. Thankfully my sister and kids haven’t seen them since the day before the Super Bowl. All 6 of them just have cold symptoms so they’re quarantining and fine. Her boyfriend is a produce manager at Hannaford so my hunch is he got it first.
  15. Sounds like my wife right now and she did have a deer tick bite last summer. She never had the ring around it though and they didn’t think she needed the antibiotic.
  16. Need to sneak a BOS 49° in July before they fix it.
  17. So my sister, sig other, 3 kids, and stepkid all have the covid. That’s 6 in her household in Manchester while the town of Tilton has 0.
  18. Feeling about 2” here....lower end CON-south.
  19. Yeah...the observer went a little weenieish there. Like you said, SQ has a specific definition. I’ve seen it reported automated in New England, but it’s rare...a lot more common to our west with severe weather.
  20. How's the kuchie? With iffy 2m temps and insolation it may be more representative for the lower els.
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