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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Parasitic bird. Kinda hate them.
  2. I'd be losing it in Canada. Dark and cold 8+ months of the year and they want to keep you locked down in warm season for a couple dozen deaths per day.
  3. I get at least one breeding pair of red breasted grosbeaks every year...love them.
  4. The mourning doves still ground feed under the hearts for me. The little birds spill some here and there and the doves/chippies/squirrels gobble it up. Sometimes the white throated sparrows, cardinals, and blue jays are down there too. The nuthatches are usually on my suet...we lost a red breasted one the other day from a window hit. I saved a wood thrush though.
  5. Find an angry way to tie in liberal hate and I'll sell the shirts at bike week this week.
  6. I ditched the shelled BOSS for just sunflower hearts and will never go back. I get a lot more different birds now and none of the mess. You pay a little more, but it's not really that much more since a lot of the weight of shelled ones is waste.
  7. So afraid to die that they can’t live.
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/health/novavax-covid-19-vaccine.html 49% seems fairly meh…looks like another vax that would need frequent updates/boosters.
  9. Maybe that’s why he left the board? Or was it that day where he got called out for declaring a high of 66° a summer day?
  10. Haha KTOL1k reporting 1.35” so far. Stein is in scuba gear there.
  11. I think you got a lot less on Memorial Day weekend? 58.7° -RA Only 0.25” rain, but it’s a start. Hopefuly at least another 1/2” to go through tomorrow.
  12. Looks impressive on radar up here, but mostly moderate right now..0.08” and counting. I’m in CON though so hopefully the robin pooped in the gauge or something and it’s actually more than that.
  13. Stein trying to keep the chooks dry.
  14. This is pretty cool. A coastal Maine orchard is 1 of only 3 places in the country growing the transgenic American chestnuts on their farm. https://www.timesargus.com/experimental-forest-may-bring-back-american-chestnuts/article_fb23796d-3fc1-5e9e-b102-87a38c0eb891.html https://bangordailynews.com/2021/06/04/news/midcoast/an-experimental-forest-in-cape-elizabeth-wants-to-revive-the-american-chestnut-tree/
  15. 2.14" here in the last 39 days. I was feeling good about rain, but Stein is peeking in my window.
  16. That dog is in better shape than 90% of humans including me.
  17. Almost nothing. She's been very polite. I shut her in at night and she's fine with it. I get up early to let the chickens out and she flies out after I open the door and meets the father up on the cable line. Then they take turns bringing in worms all day. When we free range with the chickens she's right out there in the middle of them finding worms. I think she's used to us enough now that she associates us with safety. I'll miss her when she's done for good, but I hope this is it because she will be struggling in there when the real, consistent heat and dews arrive for good.
  18. I’m going to wear a hoodie with shorts out there for DIT this evening. Gone but not forgotten.
  19. This cuteness is happening in my garage right now. This is her 2nd clutch in there of the spring. First one was 3 babies.
  20. Mesos are beginning to Stein up here. I'm close to chucking the ipad out the window.
  21. Poor tamarack seems to have missed everything for a decade.
  22. KDendy now reports air quality.
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