I wanted to get a 60-70ft rohn type tower for the anemometer and all of the weather gear. There’s just no way I’d climb up that thing that high and the tilt down/telescoping ones are way more expensive than the already pricey fixed ones.
I hear ya...it just sounds like a tough argument to win. If he said 35mph you know he was probably doing 40-45mph too. But right of way usually takes precedent. I think stopping in the road is the big problem for your case. Even if going 25mph you're in his lane stopped forcing him to have to brake while having ROW.
I guess, but you said you slammed your brakes when you saw him coming. If he had that much time why not just continue making your left turn and not stay in his path?
As others have said, I think it's going to be difficult for you to win this.