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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Starting to get real on that Grand Isle cam.
  2. The ASOS’s usually survive, but the loss of power or transmission is what usually kills the obs. Sometimes debris will wipe out the anemometers though.
  3. A lot of lightning in that eastern eyewall.
  4. There’s some weenie 162mph pixels on velocity.
  5. Looks like the weenie touches the bun right over your area.
  6. I posted the EPS earlier weenie. That's a hell of a lot of rain for you on the euro though. More springs pouring out of your backyard.
  7. Maybe the torchmac at BDL can flirt with u70s/80F on Sunday, but it'll be COC. No 80s at 1kft.
  8. 60° is a weak threshold. We had a lot of 60-65° rain in July. 62/62 is more raw than muggy. I prefer the 65+ and 70+.
  9. How many gallons is your well? I think I’ve read 1gal/200gal and to dilute it with water before pouring it in to avoid any possible pipe corrosion.
  10. MHT shot up when the front went through. Dew caved and temp jumped. 91/62 82° for the chooks right now
  11. I appreciate the out-of-staters since without the lake and their $$$ my region would be a desolate wasteland. But around this time of year I start looking forward to the reduced traffic on 93 on Fridays/Sundays.
  12. I'm not really ready for summer to end. I'd like 75-80F right into November. I'm just done with the dews...I've been struggling breathing through my nose and think I have a deviated septum. Time to dry it out.
  13. Gotta get the Massholes out of the Lakes Region so our numbers can start going down.
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