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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. If there's grass on the field, play ball?
  2. Weekend trended cooler. Midweek next week trended warmer...although the EPS was a little cooler than previous runs. Hopefully the warmth comes back so I can get the soil temps up. The last 4 weeks have been pretty dreary.
  3. IOW a New England fantasy. We go nuts here for pea sized hail and 35mph zephyrs.
  4. Euro is mid 40s dews. It’s d4 so it’s probably coming to some extent.
  5. What the hell is the end game? We're not completely getting rid of this thing even if everyone gets vaccinated.
  6. Probably because they had a low of 35°. edit…check that. 7/1/1978 they had a dew in the 30s all day including a dew of 32° for a couple hours.
  7. The chickens are classy. I whine and melt with the best of them. lol
  8. The chickens finally won one, although they probably had a heart attack with the hail bouncing off the metal roof of the run.
  9. Pretty sure all of the smoke is coming from the Sox. En fuego.
  10. Just had a flash-bang in the back woods. Gah. Mostly between peas and dimes, but they were smashing against the windows pretty good.
  11. 2 good boomers so far and another on the way. The last one had my heaviest rates of the season…6.47”/hr. Quick hitters though…only 0.31” so far.
  12. More here… https://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/68737.pdf
  13. 7/7/2002 That was fairly similar with mostly 2SM vis, but it was a little more widespread.
  14. Phin is ready to question every COVID related death today.
  15. 16” of rain and heavy heavy smoke. Only in 2021.
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