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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 0.03” Enough to cool it off. Getting some breaks now and I assume this is the beginning of the CAA.
  2. Yeah…pushing through VT and eastern NY now. Will be through here mid afternoon.
  3. 75/69 here…not too bad out right now with overcast skies. I’ve only been 90+ 1 or 2x this year. People lived without AC for thousands of years. We can get by too.
  4. His climate is a little different from yours…especially with NW flow. Once mine are in, they’re in, but to each their own.
  5. Maybe…goes hand in hand with dews though. Except it’s a deeper humid airmass versus the shallow pooling types that mix out a bit in the afternoon and then muggy back up in the evening.
  6. Read this as crazy stupid dave at first…lol
  7. Yeah they're actually mixed out. Looks like a bit of an inversion mid mountain though? 77F at 4300ft, 72F at 3300ft, and 74F at 2300ft. Unless there's shadows being cast on the lower els of the autoroad.
  8. Not as bad up here today. U80s to L90s and dews falling into the 60s into C NH. Pretty swampy in SE SNE and warm at HFD though…BDL shot up to 95° after this map time as well.
  9. lol…warm blooded is for handling cold weather.
  10. Opposite here. Lots of debris and haze yesterday…today bermuda blues.
  11. 85/72…def hot in the sun, but feels like another underperformer.
  12. I guess it’s nice on the beach with a breeze but get 2 miles inland and it sucks. It”s not like we want it cold…I’m all set with crisp highs of 70F until October.
  13. Skeeters and black flies are back here…unbearable to be outside in the evening. Heat and dews after 5 weeks of rain will do that I guess.
  14. It's warm, but we're mixed a bit and have some clouds. Last night was worse here at this time. 80F at 11pm vs 74F now.
  15. 89/71 today…kinda meh. 74/70 now. Not impressed.
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